
General Convention Update

By July 12, 2018 August 2nd, 2018 No Comments

Mtr. Joy asked that I write an update on General Convention. Please keep in mind that, including today, there are still 3 legislative days left. The convention will adjourn this Friday, having been in session since July 4th. It was my privilege to be in attendance from the 5th through the 9th.

There are always many issues taken up, and this year there are over 430 resolutions that were submitted to be dealt with by the convention. However, it is not only about legislation. There were 3 joint TEConversations, which was a new innovation this year. These dealt with Racial Reconciliation, Evangelism, and the Care of Creation. These sessions were sponsored by 3 parishes of our Church, including St. Michael and All Angels here in Dallas. Friday ended with a celebration of the Eucharist, and the United Thank Offering (UTO) Ingathering. These wonderful folks brought in over $3.2 Million from every province of our Church. Saturday night there was an Episcopal Revival service, followed by Texas Night. It was truly a moving event, and I commend the PB’s sermon to you. Here’s a link to it: Sunday started with a rally, led by bishops opposed to gun violence. Then some 850 people boarded buses for a trip to the Hutto Detention Center in support of the women and children separated as part of the immigration policy. What a moving event:

On legislative matters, there are many issues that come before convention. As said earlier, over 430 resolutions have been submitted, and to pass, they must clear both houses with exactly the same verbiage. I am going to touch on 4 that I believe you might be interested in. Once convention concludes there will be a list of all resolutions, and how they ended.

On Thursday, Mtr. Joy and I, along with friends from Transfiguration, Ascension, and St. Matthews Cathedral had the privilege to testify in support of making same sex marriage available to all in their local parish. The committee listened and heard all who testified, on both sides of this issue. They worked well into the night, and Friday morning, to craft a compromise. This resolution, B012, as amended has passed the House of Deputies (HOD), and has now passed the House of Bishops (HOB). It will go into effect on Advent I, December 2, 2018. I believe that it gets us where so many of us want, and puts the authority to perform such weddings in the hands of the rector or priest in charge of a parish.

Another key resolution deals with revision to the Book of Common Prayer. As you might imagine, this is a very contentious issue. The committee put forward resolution A068, which was adopted by the HOD, with minor amendments. The HOB amended it extensively, and it will now go back to the HOD for further consideration.

The Diocese of Cuba has been readmitted to the Episcopal Church. It was removed in 1966, and has been operating on its own since that time. They had petitioned to be readmitted, and both houses overwhelmingly approved that.

Finally, there is D019, a resolution on social criteria investment in Israel and Palestine, in light of the continuing occupation of Palestinian land by Israel. The Anglican Communion has a strong presence in this area, and its membership is largely Arab. This resolution continues to strongly support Israel’s right to exist, but urges review of investment policy in light of the ongoing occupation. This resolution passed overwhelmingly in the HOD, but was defeated in the HOB.

As we move toward the conclusion of General Convention, I urge your continued prayers for all those attending, particularly our Bishop and diocesan deputation.

Yours in Christ,