
Regathering Committee

By April 30, 2020 June 11th, 2020 No Comments

With the easing of restrictions, and the expiration of stay-at-home orders by Texas governor Greg Abbott, many are beginning to ask questions about how and when churches, and specifically St. Thomas the Apostle, will begin to reoccupy our property at Inwood and Mockingbird. I want to be clear about several things. First of all, the safety and health of my parishioners and employees is of primary importance. Nothing will be done that in any way compromises the health or welfare of our greatest asset, the body of Christ, our people. Second, we will be guided in our regathering process by the ordinances of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, which we are a fully integrated member. Bishop Sumner has thus far said that no repopulation of properties will occur any earlier than May 10 (the county’s stay-at-home order), and he may extend that date further out, depending on the prevailing science of the coming days. To prepare, I have assembled a “regathering” committee to advise the Rector on when and how we will safely repopulate the building when the time does arise. That committee consists of our Wardens, Joe DeuPree, and Michael Legacy, Ruth Woodward, Steven Lee, and Murray Followill. We will be considering all of the pertinent issues that will be relevant to our safely coming back together, when the time is right!