Lent Program for 2025
Don’t give up on our core mission… GIVE! Each Sunday during Lent, join your St. Thomas family in making a donation or collecting items for these wonderful organizations:
March 9 – Episcopal Relief and Development
Donations support wildfire, hurricane and other disaster relief, plus global needs like hunger, poverty and disease, with a focus on women, children and climate.
March 16 – Cathedral of Hope Blessing Bags
St. Thomas will donate bags with water, peanut butter crackers, protein bars, & jerky snacks. Show support by writing an uplifting message (notecards provided) and help assemble bags during coffee hour.
March 23 – Ewing House
Collecting toiletries such as bath/hand/or facial soap, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrushes, Kleenex, dish soap, laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, toilet paper, and deodorant.
March 30 – Camp All Saints
Donations support funds for summer camp scholarships so kids can experience the outdoors, meet new friends and grow in their spirituality.
April 6 – Operation Kindness
Collecting dog food, cat food, and treats to support North Texas’ lifesaving, no-kill animal shelter, offering adoptions, foster programs and pet food pantry.
April 13 – North Dallas Shared Ministries
Food Pantry collection: toilet paper, laundry and bath soap, shampoo, diapers and baby wipes, canned fruits, vegetables, meats, soups, rice, cereal, pasta, dried beans, peanut butter, jelly, syrup, and cooking oil. Clothes Closet collection: NEW men’s & children’s undergarments.