Christian FormationFeatured

Let the Eucharist Teach

By August 13, 2024 No Comments

“How to Practice Eucharist in These Turbulent Times”
Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle, Theologian-in-Residence
6 week hybrid class on Wednesdays (in-person & online)
Sept. 11-Oct. 16 from 6:00-7:15pm

Dive into a deeper expression of the sacramental Anglican way of being and doing Church – Eucharist. Eucharist is the heart blood of Christian life and action. Doing Eucharist empowers, forms, and directs the way we live, worship, move, and have our being as Anglican Christians in the world. As we do Eucharist, we become the image and the likeness Christ, in our encounter with changing situations in these challenging times. We become molded into a specifically Christ-conscious way of practical thought and action. Explore this ever-new method of “practical theology” – the way from practices to reflection, and back again. So no matter the era or the challenges, the pattern of worship, faith, and action remains: “Pray, Believe, and Do” Eucharist. This is how Eucharist will teach us in these turbulent times, if we will let it.

Class sign up form >

Questions? Email Lee Swift in the St. Thomas office.