Meeting Minutes prepared by Richard Elsea, Clerk
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church
Meeting Minutes prepared by Richard Elsea, Clerk
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church
Advent & Christmas with The 1982 Hymnal
Dr. Joseph Henry, Director of Music Ministries, presents three classes that will joyfully explore key stylistic developments in Western Art Music through hymns in The 1982 Hymnal, celebrating the anticipation of Christmas. Join us Wednesdays, Dec 4, 11 & 18 from 6:00-7:15 pm in the South Room.
Meeting Minutes prepared by Richard Elsea, Clerk
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church
Meeting Minutes prepared by Alberto Galué, Clerk
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church
Bring your beloved four-legged, furry, and feathered family members to the North Lawn as we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi! Join us on Sunday, October 6 at 3:00 PM, for a special blessing of the animals. Let’s come together to honor the patron saint of animals and share in this joyful tradition.
Meeting Minutes prepared by Alberto Galué, Clerk
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church
“How to Practice Eucharist in These Turbulent Times” with Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle, Theologian-in-Residence. This 6-week class will dive into a deeper expression of the sacramental Anglican way of being and doing Church – Eucharist.