Proper 17B September 2, 2018 Song of Solomon 2: 8-13,Psalm 45 James 1:17-27, Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 St Thomas the Apostle The Rev’d Joy Daley I remember when my son was small, he would run everywhere with abandon without any knowledge about what might be dangerous. In the small apartment where we lived it wasn’t so hard to keep him contained .We only needed one of those little gates in the doorway, but being outside was a mother’s nightmare. I found the perfect solution, though. Remember those old wooden gates that opened like an accordion you could put them on any doorway well I found a circular one of those for outings to a park we loved to visit. It was a beautiful place, a nice grassy area under the trees but in one direction there was ocean and rocks on the other side there was a road where the cars came…