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St Thomas

Proper 17B Sermon

By Rector's Corner, Sermons

Proper 17B September 2, 2018 Song of Solomon 2: 8-13,Psalm 45 James 1:17-27, Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 St Thomas the Apostle The Rev’d Joy Daley I remember when my son was small, he would run everywhere with abandon without any knowledge about what might be dangerous. In the small apartment where we lived it wasn’t so hard to keep him contained .We only needed one of those little gates in the doorway, but being outside was a mother’s nightmare. I found the perfect solution, though. Remember those old wooden gates that opened like an accordion you could put them on any doorway well I found a circular one of those for outings to a park we loved to visit. It was a beautiful place, a nice grassy area under the trees but in one direction there was ocean and rocks on the other side there was a road where the cars came…

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Hallelujah House Donations

By News, Outreach

Thank you to our congregation for the travel items you collected this summer for Hallelujah House. Donations included: 152 bars of soap, 49 bath/shower gels, 75 shampoo, 36 conditioner, 62 body lotion, 46 dental items, and 16 miscellaneous toiletry items. A delivery date will be set in the near future, and we will let you know in advance if you’d like to join us. Again, thank you! – The Order of the Daughters of the King

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Proper 16B Sermon

By Sermons

Proper 16B, August 26, 2018 1 Kings 8:[1, 6, 10-11], 22-30, 41-43; Psalm 84 Ephesians 6:10-20; John 6:56-69 St Thomas the Apostle The Rev’d Leo Loyola I love being a priest. Not because I thrive the attention from what I wear, or the thrill of inspiring people hearing me preach. I love it because it is, for me, a way of life. The priesthood allows me to boldly express my faith as a Christian. And yet being a Christian—lay or ordained—is not always easy. Sometimes we get pigeonholed into the same group as other Christians who we vehemently disagree with theologically and those we simply abhor. Take, for example, the Christian Right, those who arguably define American Christianity. For these evangelicals, Christianity is about having the right principles and doctrines. It’s about morality. It’s about how moral values shape culture for the better. Under their terms, to be Christian means…

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Proper 15B Sermon

By Rector's Corner, Sermons

Proper 15B, August 19, 2018 1 Kings 2:10-12;3:3-14, Psalm 111 Ephesians 5: 15-20, John 6:51-58 St Thomas the Apostle The Rev’d Joy A. Daley A couple of days ago my microwave died. I hadn’t realized how much I relied on it – for my oatmeal at breakfast, for those steam fresh veggies that just take a few minutes. But the thing that really got me was when I was watching a movie and went to throw in a bag of popcorn to microwave… How can we be fed if we don’t have the means to prepare a meal? But this morning at least, we don’t have to worry about getting a meal together. The food we really need is prepared for us by Christ… with a little help from the Altar Guild. All we need to do is to come and receive all that is here for us. Jesus in…

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Proper 14B Sermon

By Sermons

Proper 14B, August 12, 2018 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33; Psalm 130 Ephesians 4:25-5:2; John 6:35, 41-51 St. Thomas the Apostle The Rev’d Leo Loyola A woman named Sandy was upset with her husband. She felt as if Harry wasn’t spending enough time with their son. And so she wrote him a poem. Inspiration for this poem came from observing the awkward relationship between her previous husband James and his father John. John was one of eleven children. Although he didn’t pass the fifth grade, John was the epitome of a Horatio Algiers’ rags-to-riches story. He started a furniture company out of nothing, and built it up into a successful business. He later went into politics and served as borough president of Brooklyn for 25 years. But despite his success, John had one great regret. He always wanted to be a judge, considering it the most honorable of professions. But…

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Helping Your Child Take Their First Step Through Life

By News

Your child is a precious gift from God. We know you want the best for them, and so does God. You want your child to make good choices in life. You want to instill in your child hope, faith and love. You want to help your child with the big questions of life. You want your child to deal well with the ups and downs of life in a bold, healthy way. But perhaps you are wondering: “Where do I begin?” We at Saint Thomas believe that first step begins with a christening. By christening, we baptize your baby or young child with water in a special, but simple service of thanksgiving to God. Second to your child’s birth, it is a special day to share with family and friends. Together, you will witness the birth of your child’s amazing journey with God. If you are interested in christening your…

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Proper 13B Sermon

By Rector's Corner, Sermons

Proper 13B, August 5, 2018 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a Psalm 51,Ephesians 4: 1-16 John 6:24-35 St Thomas the Apostle The Rev’d Joy A. Daley Has anyone tried any of those Healthy Choice Meals? They have all kinds frozen entrees and even canned soup. I’ve tried many of them and some are pretty good but I have to say the name is more appealing than the product itself. We all know we should have a physically healthy diet so we can feel good and move through the world without too much difficulty. You may have seen the article in our newsletter on Thursday titled Healthy Eating is a Snap about our own Stephen Toon and Virginia Holleman about how they educate others in Healthy diets. What they do in these sessions is part of their ministry in the world. There is actually lots t of information about healthy physical eating but what…

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Eating Well is a SNAP!

By News, Outreach

Stephen Toon is an Indiana native and a former Marine. The Reverend Virginia Holleman hails from Connecticut and is a member of the Episcopal Clergy. Together, they are a dynamic duo! When they joined the EWS! Speaker’s Bureau in 2016, Stephen and Virginia were already volunteering to help reduce food insecurity for seniors as members of St.Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church. After personally being coached by lead trainer Kyra Effren, they set out together to spread the good news of EWS! Stephen serves as the nutrition educator and Virginia shares SNAP information. Stephen adds an extra special touch by baking cookies for each presentation. He also customized the chef apparel that he and Virginia wear. Virginia shares about SNAP and its value as a supplement to the budget, addressing common myths about the program. She also researches and provides a list of food pantries nearby the site where they present….

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Outreach Grants for organizations

By Outreach

Each year the Episcopal Church of St Thomas the Apostle awards Outreach Grants to agencies in our area that address community needs with a focus on homelessness, hunger, health and health-care challenges (both physical and mental), social justice and education. This year we anticipate awarding approximately $5,000, divided among one to three organizations. Our priority is funding specific projects that would not be accomplished without our assistance. Unfortunately, we do not provide unrestricted operating funds or funding for ongoing projects and needs. In addition, organizations must be headquartered and operate in Dallas County and must be a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3). The process for requesting fund is simple. All we ask is for you to send a written (hard copy) letter requesting a specific amount and a one to two paragraph explanation of a specific project or use for the funding. You may also include two additional singled-sided…

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Proper 12B Sermon

By Rector's Corner, Sermons

Proper 12B, July 29, 2018 2 Samuel 11:1-15, Psalm 14 Ephesians 3: 14-21, John 6: 1-21 St Thomas the Apostle The Rev’d Joy A. Daley It happens every year. Vacation is coming so I get out my suitcase and I start deciding what I’m going to take for a week’s journey. I vow that this time I will take less, that I’ll easily be able to toss my suitcase into that overhead bin on the plane and I will not have any aching muscles in my arms the next day from the effort. My plan is that when I zip that thing up it will be flat across the top when it is laying on the floor. Then the inner conversation begins. What if it gets really hot? What if it gets cold? What if I decide to go out to someplace really good for dinner and I don’t have…

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