Enrich your Lenten practice! Everyone is invited to join us each Wednesday evening during the season of Lent for an Interfaith Dialogue “Reflections on Interspirituality”. The Eucharist will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by a light meal at 7:00 p.m. and Presentation at 7:30 p.m. Schedule February 25 – “Overview of Interspirituality”, Father Ray Ball March 11 – “Islam” postponed due to weather March 18 – “Buddhism”, Sister Amy NaHo March 25 – “Judaism”, Rabbi Debra Robbins; and “Islam”, Imam Omar Suleiman
I recently watched an episode of Modern family in which the Dad Phil was in charge of making his teenage girls clean their bathroom Of course they swore they had done it so they could run off and go be with their friends. Then he opened a door and everything spilled out We’ve all experienced some version of this Whether it be with our children or ourselves. You get a call that someone is coming to visit who you didn’t expect. You scramble to get all your junk out of sight so everything looks real good for the visit, being sure that you don’t have to open the door or drawer for any reason while they are there because of the inevitable overflow. Otherwise your visitors will see more of the truth of you than you would like – that you are not quite as neat and organized as you…
As we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany T.S. Eliot’s, The Journey of the Magi provides words for us to reflect on what this season can mean for us. This poem was written in 1927 soon after Eliot’s conversion to Anglicanism. It is written from the perspective of one of the wise men. It is a wonderful poem but not really uplifting in an obvious kind of way. For the poet speaks of the challenge of the journey, a journey that takes place in winter, the worst time of year. He outlines the difficulties – the night fires going out, the unfriendly towns, their inner doubts telling them the journey was pure folly. The wise man says that he would take the journey again but there is a sense in the poem that birth and death are entwined. “Were we led all that way for Birth or death? There was…
Everyone is invited to join our “Feasting on the Word” Christian Formation classes each Sunday: Adults at 9:00 a.m. and Youth at 10:00 a.m. ADULT December 14 Third Sunday of Advent Join us for “A Thrill of Hope” – With beauty and power of art and sacred text, and the insight of Candler’s Scholars, let this presentation act as a new catalyst for you on your journey of faith this Advent season. YOUTH December 14 Session 2 Isaiah 61: 1-4; 8-11 Youth will imagine Isaiah’s vision of the restoration ad hear God’s call to live as if it were a present reality. December 21 Session 3 Luke 1: 26-38 Youth will invite the Holy Spirit to work in and through them.
Newly elected Vestry members are Nancy LeGros, Jean Edwards, and Charles Mullins, Jr. Newly Elected Trustee of Endowment Wynne Voorhees joins Randy Hering and Jerry Knight. Newly Elected Diocesan Delegate is Boyd Richie. Newly Appointed Junior Warden is David Hess.
Every year at this time I am caught off guard, and it happened again yesterday. For the last several weeks we have been reading lessons, which frankly can terrify me: “But the bridegroom replied, “Truly I tell you, I do now know you.” “You that are accursed depart from me, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” “… for you do not know when the master of the house will come … [and] he may find you asleep…. And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake.” “And people from the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem were going out to [John the Baptist], and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.” These gospel lessons, beginning toward the end of the Pentecost cycle are not all that fun to ponder. After all, who among us wants…
Everyone is invited to join our “Feasting on the Word” Christian Formation classes each Sunday: Adults at 9:00 a.m. and Youth at 10:00 a.m. ADULT November 30 First Sunday of Advent Join us for “A Thrill of Hope” – With beauty and power of art and sacred text, and the insight of Candler’s Scholars, let this presentation act as a new catalyst for you on your journey of faith this Advent season. YOUTH November 30 Session 13 Isaiah 64:1-9 Youth will pray for and practice looking for the surprise of God’s coming.
Everyone is invited to join our “Feasting on the Word” Christian Formation classes each Sunday: Adults at 9:00 a.m. and Youth at 10:00 a.m. ADULT November 23 Session 12 Matthew 25: 31-46 Prompted to see Jesus in faces of need, adults will define ways to show love to the weak and vulnerable November 30 First Sunday of Advent Join us for “A Thrill of Hope” YOUTH November 23 Session 12 Matthew 25: 31-46 Youth will practice serving Christ among those who need Christ November 30 Session 13 Isaiah 64:1-9 Youth will pray for and practice looking for the surprise of God’s coming.
This year Advent begins November 30 the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Advent is a time of waiting, of quiet preparation for celebrating the Incarnation, God’s willingness to come and live among us in human form. There are a number of ways to prepare, but the main thing we are called to do is pause, as the world calls us to run, to shop,to be caught up in the frenzy of materialism. The season of Advent is the perfect time to allow our relationship with God to become more intimate. Many times in our humanity, we are led astray, and resist God’s invitation to us. It is difficult to hear God’s invitation if we can’t seem to turn down the noise in our lives. But if we are willing to create a quiet space, to hear what God is speaking to our hearts, our relationship with God may be rekindled in ways…
Advent is a time of reflection and preparation. Come celebrate the season by participating in one or more of these upcoming Advent opportunities: Sunday Mornings: Adults join us for “A Thrill of Hope” on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. All month long: take an Advent calendar with you to help you slow down and anticipate the birth of Christ in your daily life. Tuesday morning book study will walk through Advent together wondering what all the busyness of Christmas has to do with Christ as they read From Holidays to Holy Days by Benedictine monk Albert Holtz, O.S.B Outreach Opportunities: Community Partners Toy Drive and Little Red Socks Christmas Eve Service at 8:00 pm (incense will be used) Christmas Day Service at 10:00 am More details on all these opportunities will be coming soon.