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St Thomas

All Souls

By Rector's Corner

My first introduction to souls came in first grade when Sr Agnes Anne drew a diamond shape on the blackboard. She put chalk marks on the inside to signify sins. As the chalk dust fell like snowflakes onto the waiting ledge below. My first grade mind pictured a soul that had clear borders, something inside that I carried around and could tarnish by things I said or did. It was rather daunting to think about the responsibility for this container of grace. Today I no longer think of that flat diamond on the blackboard. The initial shape that helped my contrete 7 yr old brain has thankfully expanded. Grace abounds for all. When I think of the souls of the faithful departed, I think of how a diamond sparkles how it reflects the light. We remember the faithful departed today, those who reflected God’s light while they were on this…

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Feasting on the Word – Oct 26

By News

Everyone is invited to join our “Feasting on the Word” Christian Formation classes each Sunday: Adults at 9:00 a.m. and Youth at 10:00 a.m. ADULT Session 9 October 26 Matthew 22: 34-46 Grounded on the greatest commandment, adults will commit to living faithfully amidst big questions. Session 10 November 2 Joshua 3: 7-17 Inspired by Joshua’s faithful leadership, adults will hear contemporary stories of faith and contemplate their own faithful witness YOUTH Session 9 October 26 Matthew 22: 34-46 Youth will respond to God’s call to re-orient their lives toward loving others Session 10 November 2 Joshua 3: 7-17 Youth will identify and mark the presence of God at liminal “crossing” times in there spiritual journeys.

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Sermon – July 27th

By News, Sermons

Eschatology is the study of the end of time and how it will come. You may have seen those bumper stickers that say, “In case of the Rapture this car will be empty” or “ In case of the Rapture you can have my stuff.” These stickers refer to one way of seeing how the end will come, how the reign of God’s kingdom will be ushered in. In this Apocalyptic Eschatology the world is filled with evil and at the appointed time God will break in to save the righteous in a powerful and obvious way. . They will be whisked away to be a part of God’s kingdom and the unrighteous will be left behind. Apocalyptic eschatology in particular stresses the lostness, the evil of the world with an emphasis on Imminent Divine Intervention. In this world view humans wait for God to act. This is not the…

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Sermon – July 6th

By Sermons

For a few weeks now we have been considering discipleship of being sent the challenges , taking up our cross, the sustenance that will be received on the journey and now we have that reassuring passage of the comfort that will be provided to the weary, for those who need rest for their souls. But Jesus is not just addressing this to those who have the normal struggles of life like sickness too many bills. He is addressing his remarks to those who are on a religious quest seeking God and a relationship with God,those who are spiritually tired from using the regular ways of finding peace and are tired out from doing that He is telling his hearers that the religious leaders have missed the point the yoke of the Pharisees of trying to get it right by following the law leads to labor of being heavy laden (The…

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Sermon – March 16th

By Sermons

On Thursday I was in the office studying the gospel “Truly I tell you no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above” At that very moment I hear tromp tromp tromp above my head heavy footsteps. Yikes ! Was I about to be reborn from above? Well, Yes and No. It was the AC guys up in the ceiling changing the filters and making sure the system was blowing air efficiently. The next line of the gospel is “the wind blows where it chooses you hear the sound of it but you don’t know where it come from or where it goes.” Practically speaking the wind doesn’t really blow where it chooses if you never change the filters. And part of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus is related to changing the filter in order that the wind of the spirit can get through to him. Nicodemus…

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