Respectfully submitted by Paul McCright, Clerk
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church
Epiphany IV: Year B 31 January 2021 Allen M. Junek, Seminarian-in-Residence The Episcopal Church of St. Thomas the Apostle In the name of the one, holy, and undivided + Trinity. Amen. I’ve always found it odd that the Bible is chock-full of letters. In many ways, the Gospels were written for us–even to us–so that future generations might know, as the epilogue of John’s Gospel says, “that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing we may have life in his name” (Jn 20:31). Letters on the other hand serve a much different function. By definition, letters are not written to everyone. This might pose a problem for us as we try to glean meaning from our New Testament, because more than half of its books are letters. Now most of us know that the apostle Paul was incredibly prolific, most of these letters are his…