
Upcoming Events

Silent Movie Night

By Upcoming Events

Organist Benjamin Kolodziej will present an authentic screening of Buster Keaton’s 1928 feature-length silent film, Steamboat Bill, Jr. on Tuesday, May 8 at 7:30 pm in the church. This event is fun and appropriate for all ages. This film, one of the last of the silent era, is a comedic drama involving competing steamboat captains, family disappointments and falling in love, and was largely written and directed by Keaton, a master of comedic timing and deadpan expressions. One original reviewer understatedly characterized the film upon release as “perhaps the best comedy of the year so far,” while the New York Times called it a “sorry affair.” Nonetheless, for decades audiences increasingly have been drawn to this silent movie and it consistently ranks among the favorite and most entertaining silent films in history. To enhance the authentic feel of the evening, Benjamin Kolodziej will perform an original score written for organ…

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The Gathering

By Outreach, Upcoming Events

Spring is here and it is a great time to join us in serving the homeless at THE GATHERING. Mark your calendar for Sunday, April 29. We will be serving with Christ Church from Oak Cliff, and we will leave the north parking lot at 12:15 pm. Please join us and experience this heart warming ministry. The people we serve are always so gracious and grateful. Questions? Contact Lisa Cain.

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March for our Lives

By News, Upcoming Events

This Saturday, March 24, “the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets” across our country in order to “demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools today.” Here in Dallas, students and parents will gather at Dallas City Hall at noon, and many people – including the North Dallas Chapter of Episcopal Peace Fellowship – will join with them, to encourage and to help sustain this hope-filled, student-led movement. We’ll be carpooling from Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, leaving its parking lot at 11:00 am. If you’re able, and do choose to join us (as we hope many of you will), please email either Ron Damholt or John Copeland so that we can arrange for a sufficient number of drivers. Learn more about March for Our Lives >

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Diocesan Night at the Ranger’s Game

By News, Upcoming Events

Join Bishop Sumner and visiting Bishop Smith, with parishioners from around the Metroplex, to watch the Texas Rangers vs. the Boston Red Socks on Friday, May 4 (First Pitch 7:05 p.m.) Tickets – Adult $15, Children 13 and under $6. To reserve tickets, or any questions contact: Fred Ellis. The deadline to reserve tickets is March 28th!

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Holy Week Schedule

By Upcoming Events

Invite folks you know to join us for any and all of our activities during Holy Week: Palm Sunday – March 25, Rite One Eucharist at 8 am and Rite Two Eucharist at 10 am Tuesday, March 27 – Passover Seder Meal at 7 pm Wednesday, March 28 – Holy Eucharist at 6:30 pm Thursday, March 29 – Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar at 7 pm (Incense) Good Friday – March 30, Services at 12 pm and 7 pm The Great Vigil of Easter – Saturday, March 31 at 8 pm (Incense) and Break the Fast Feast at 10 pm Easter Day – Holy Eucharist Sunday, April 1 at 10 am (No 8 am Service) NOTE: There will be no Bible Study Class during Holy Week. A more in-depth look at Holy Week at St. Thomas the Apostle by The Rev’d Joy A. Daley We have a gift…

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Passover Seder Meal

By Upcoming Events

For over 3,000 years the Passover Seder ceremony has been evolving. It has been mixed, in an unusual way, by the customs of many Jewish cultures and by the Law that epitomizes the Jewish experience. The ceremony is both ancient and modern, joyous and solemn, scholarly but easily understood, and is also a Feast that teaches a lesson. Everyone is welcome to participate in this annual meal on Tuesday of Holy week, March 27 at 7pm. See volunteer sign up sheet in the Narthex.

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