
Upcoming Events

Homecoming Day, Sunday, September 11

By Upcoming Events

Welcome back friends old and new!! Join us on Sunday, Sept. 11 at 8 am and 10:30 am, as we kick-off the fall 2022 program year! A covered-dish lunch and cake/dessert auction will follow the 10:30 am service, proceeds benefitting the work of your Mission/Outreach Committee.

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Holy Week Schedule 2022

By Featured, Upcoming Events

Everyone is invited to join us for our Holy Week activities: Palm Sunday, April 10 | 8 am & 10:30 am Wednesday of Holy Week, April 13 | Noon – Eucharist Maundy Thursday, April 14 | 7 pm – Holy Eucharist Rite II with Foot Washing Good Friday, April 15 | 7 pm – Liturgy for Good Friday Holy Saturday, April 16 | 10 am – Holy Saturday Taize Service Great Vigil of Easter, Saturday, April 16 | 7:30 pm – Vigil & First Eucharist of Easter Easter Sunday, April 17 | 8 am & 10:30 am – Festival Holy Eucharist A more in-depth look at Holy Week at St. Thomas the Apostle Holy Week provides us with the opportunity to walk together into the deepest mysteries of our faith. It is not an easy week to enter, for we are confronted with darkness and death. Remember, the way of…

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What is Foyer?

By News, Upcoming Events

What today we refer to as foyer dinner groups were born in the Diocese of Coventry, England, in the aftermath of the massive destruction at the height of the German bombings of London and Coventry during World War II. The fourteenth-century Cathedral of St. Michael (Coventry Cathedral) was destroyed in the nine-hour blitz of 14 November 1940, but a ministry of reconciliation evolved from that destruction.  Rather than dwell on the violent loss of his beloved place of worship, Provost Howard was inspired to found a ministry of reconciliation that he called the Community of the Cross and Nails. While sifting through the rubble of the cathedral, he gathered many of the old nails that had fallen among the ruins and was inspired to have them twisted together to form a cross. This cross of nails and the words “Father, Forgive” became the unifying symbol of the International Ministry of…

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Advent Book Study

By Christian Formation, Featured, News, Upcoming Events

Watch for the Light: Preparing to Welcome Christ into the World Each year, we begin the Christian calendar with the celebration of Advent as we recall and prepare again for the coming of Emmanuel, God with Us. Despite how similar and familiar the Advent and Christmas season feels, each year we approach it as different and changed people from the experiences gleaned from the year before. This year, we invite you to join our Spiritual Formation class as we read together the book of daily Advent and Christmas focused devotions, Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas (the book can be purchased at: crid=2O4SE5AVJE185&dchild=1&keywords=watch+for+the+light+readings+for+advent+a nd+christmas&qid=1634657545&qsid=144-6564208-6229959&sprefix=Watch+for+the+Lig ht%2Caps%2C188&sr=8-1&sres=087486917X%2CB01JQEJ9QQ%2C178498289X%2C1 62698123X%2C0143133780%2C149641909X%2C0874869269%2C1973345544%2C142 6790171%2C0664234291%2C1647221579%2C0736980601%2C1433556693%2C06642 62279%2C1683594223%2C1683837983&srpt=ABIS_BOOK ). The class will start Wednesday, December 1 at 6pm in the South Classroom and via Zoom and continue each Wednesday through January 5 at 6pm for roughly an hour and fifteen minutes. The readings in the book…

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Every Perfect Gift

By News, Upcoming Events

  AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT STEWARDSHIP AND ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE  As our annual Stewardship season draws towards its completion, we on the Stewardship Team feel it is important all of us know that over the past several years, St. Thomas has been operating at a financial loss. Our normal operations, including the wonderful outreach we do, cost more than we take in. With just a couple of years where unexpected, generous donations came in at the end of the year that allowed us to finish the year “in the black”, we are normally forced to dip into our reserves to finish out the year. This cannot go on unchecked!  We are indeed fortunate that we don’t have to service debt, but effectively we’re “mortgaging” our future by not paying our way each year. In 2021, we budgeted Pledge Income of $266,490.  We had to include a transfer of $63,048…

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What is Foyer

By News, Upcoming Events

What is Foyer? What today we refer to as foyer dinner groups were born in the Diocese of Coventry, England, in the aftermath of the massive destruction at the height of the German bombings of London and Coventry during World War II. The fourteenth-century Cathedral of St. Michael (Coventry Cathedral) was destroyed in the nine-hour blitz of 14 November 1940, but a ministry of reconciliation evolved from that destruction.  Rather than dwell on the violent loss of his beloved place of worship, Provost Howard was inspired to found a ministry of reconciliation that he called the Community of the Cross and Nails. While sifting through the rubble of the cathedral, he gathered many of the old nails that had fallen among the ruins and was inspired to have them twisted together to form a cross. This cross of nails and the words “Father, Forgive” became the unifying symbol of the…

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By News, Upcoming Events

ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE IN-PERSON SERVICES  MAKE A SEATING RESERVATION WITH AN EMAIL TO DATE: Sundays at 10:30 a.m. NOTE: The ZOOM service remains at 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: Parish Hall Outside doors have been left open throughout the service for the first three Sundays, but due to warmer temperatures, these doors will now be closed. During the months that the property was closed down due to COVID-19, the HVAC system throughout the entire property has been outfitted with advanced equipment for our safety. St. Thomas has installed air scrubbers on all of its HVAC units.  These air scrubber systems are many times more powerful than normal HVAC filtration systems at eliminating airborne pathogens. HVAC systems can capture dirt and dust from the air through their regular air filter inserts.  Meanwhile, the scrubbers using UV light can get rid of much more minute living organisms such as bacteria and viruses,…

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