Join us for “Keep Christianity Weird: Christian Distinctiveness and the Episcopal Church” with the Rev. Dr. Will Willimon. The event is scheduled for September 14 from 10am-noon at St. Matthew’s Cathedral, 5100 Ross Avenue in Dallas. The Rev. Dr. Will Willimon is one of the best-known preachers in America, a prolific writer with 70 books to his name who is regarded as one of the most influential voices in mainline Protestantism. For 20 years dean of Duke Chapel and more recently a United Methodist bishop in North Alabama, Willimon now teaches the practice of Christian ministry at Duke and is a sought-after speaker and preacher. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear him speak on a topic that resonates with his best-seller Resident Aliens, co-authored with Stanley Hauerwas: “Keep Christianity Weird: Christian Distinctiveness and the Episcopal Church.” Willimon thinks followers of Jesus ought to be seen as weird, odd, even a…
Watch the Texas Rangers vs. the Boston Red Socks on Wednesday, 9/25 at 7 PM. 2 Tickets and 1 Parking Pass available. Tickets are $15 each and Parking Pass is $18. If interested contact: Fred Ellis.
You can help save a life by taking an hour or so out of your day on Saturday, August 10, 2019 from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm, when the Carter BloodCare Bus will be in the St. Thomas parking lot. #GiveForlife and get a patriotic shirt that shows you care for your neighborhood and your nation. If you have any questions, contact Volunteer Drive Coordinator Nancy LeGros at
Please join the City of Dallas’ Senior Services, the Dallas Police Department and AARP Texas for an information-packed workshop. Learn about some of the dangers older adults face and how to protect yourself. Our experts will provide you with the information and techniques to help keep yourself safe. Space is limited so register early! Lunch is included with registration. RSVP is required, call: 1-877-926-8300 or register online: Hoarding | Financial Exploitation | Home and Personal Safety Thursday, June 27, 2019 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (9:00 a.m. registration, 9:30 a.m. start) Lakewest YMCA 3737 Goldman Street Dallas, Texas 75212
As we conclude discussing our book selection for Holy Week/Easter, we invite you to join us Tuesday, June 11, at 10am in the South Room as we present the movie based on Gerrard Conley’s memoir Boy Erased. Jared Eamons (based on Conley), the son of a small-town Baptist pastor, must overcome the fallout after being outed as gay to his parents. His father and mother struggle to reconcile their love for their son with their beliefs. Fearing a loss of family, friends and community, Jared is pressured into attending a conversion therapy program. While there, Jared comes into conflict with its leader and begins his journey to finding his own voice and accepting his true self. Next book study for the St. Thomas Book Club: During the Season of Pentecost, we will begin discussing Barbara Brown Taylor’s newest book Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others, starting June…
The Bishop is coming! Please welcome our new Pastoral Bishop, Bishop Wayne Smith, as he makes his first visit to St. Thomas. Sunday, May 28, 2019 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Rite II) and Confirmation (one service only) 11:30 a.m. Reception and Teaching, followed by a Q&A with Bishop Wayne Smith Please keep our confirmands in your prayers as they prepare for this momentous day.
Join us for the Dallas Pride Festival on Saturday, June 1, 2019. Fair Park is open to public from 11:00am-7:00pm (Gate 3, Fair Park, Parry and Washington, Dallas). Volunteers are needed for setup and booth duty, please sign-up in the Narthax. Time slots available: Set-up Fri, May 31 from 12pm-7pm. Festival is Sat, June 1, 11am-10pm. Tear-down is from 8pm-9pm. Add your name to a specific time slot or if you can’t stay for the whole time, set your own time on a blank line. For questions, contact Charles Mullins.
On Sunday, May 19, the St. Thomas Search Committee will host “Listening Sunday”. This will be your opportunity to meet with members of the Search Committee following each service on that day. You will be asked for your views on the past, present, and future of our Parish. These sessions will take less than an hour each. Refreshments will be served after the 8:00 am service and lunch will be provided after the 10:00 am service. If any “8 o’clockers” want to come to the later session, they are encouraged to do so. Please only attend one of these sessions, of course.
Join us on Saturday, June 8 at 7:00pm for our Beyond the Pew – Craft Beer Tasting event. Bring a friend and share the fun. Hosted at the home of Mike, Todd and Tyler. Bring your favorite craft beer with a complementary side dish. Call the parish office for more information: 214-352-0410.
Join us for our annual St. Thomas Flaming Dish Potluck Lunch and Dessert Auction! An event and cause just too “HOT” to miss! When: Sunday, June 9, 2019 following the 10:00 am service Where: Parish Hall What: Potluck and Dessert Auction* How: Sign up in the Narthex for a dish and/or dessert to auction *Desserts will be auctioned with proceeds to support Ewing House tenants related to their rent increases.