Respectfully submitted by Caroline Hofmann, Clerk
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church
Mark your calendars! Everyone is invited to join our annual Feast of St. Francis, including the Blessing of Pets, on Sunday, October 2 at 4 pm on the North Lawn of the Church, under the large oak tree.
If you have a desire to further your understanding of Anglican theology and the Episcopal tradition, please plan to join us for 5 consecutive Wednesdays from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm in the South Room, September 21-October 19. We will be utilizing the book, “Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices,” by Scott Gunn & Melody Wilson Shobe. This course will prepare those who would like to consider confirmation/reception/reaffirmation, but is open to everyone. Please e-mail Lee Swift, our Administrative Assistant, if you would like to participate so we will have materials for you!
Everyone is invited to join us for a lectionary study of the day’s assigned readings. It will take place each Sunday from 9:00 am-10:00 am in the Parish Hall, and be facilitated by Deacon Jennifer Smith and others. Coffee and refreshments will be provided, so stay after or come early and take part as we delve deeper into the scripture for the day!
Join us for our weekly Book Study, Wednesdays from 10:30 am to 11:45 am, in the South Room. We will look at a variety of topical literary works, facilitated by members of your Formation Committee. The first offering will be Henri J.M. Nouwen’s, “Reaching Out: The Three Movements of Spiritual Life.”
Respectfully submitted by Caroline Hofmann, Clerk
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church
This year our Easter Flowers were made possible by generous donations made anonymously, as well as… Given in Loving Memory of: Gerald C. Montague by Alyssa Abadinsky Arthur Darbellay by Henry Ayres Bobbie Jean Cofield Byrd by Hank Cofield & Chris Schilling James & Vicki Finley by Nelson Collier & John Baribeau Julius & Betty DeuPree by Joe DeuPree Our mothers, Rita Elsea & Laverne Page by Janet & Richard Elsea Bud Knight & Chet Flake by Barbara Foster Rev. Eddie Cooper by Jernee Goods My step-father’s brother, Norm Pfeifer by Kenneth Goodwin Roger Hering by Randy Hering Wallace & Zelta Hess by David Hess My twin sister Betsy Katz and parents Mary Virginia & Bradley Prann by The Rev. Virginia Holleman William, Mary, and John Legacy by Michael Legacy My aunt who raised me, Ana Marandiuc by Dr. Natalia Marandiuc My parents by John Mullen Bill Lackey & Caddy…
Everyone is invited to join us for our Holy Week activities: Palm Sunday, April 10 | 8 am & 10:30 am Wednesday of Holy Week, April 13 | Noon – Eucharist Maundy Thursday, April 14 | 7 pm – Holy Eucharist Rite II with Foot Washing Good Friday, April 15 | 7 pm – Liturgy for Good Friday Holy Saturday, April 16 | 10 am – Holy Saturday Taize Service Great Vigil of Easter, Saturday, April 16 | 7:30 pm – Vigil & First Eucharist of Easter Easter Sunday, April 17 | 8 am & 10:30 am – Festival Holy Eucharist A more in-depth look at Holy Week at St. Thomas the Apostle Holy Week provides us with the opportunity to walk together into the deepest mysteries of our faith. It is not an easy week to enter, for we are confronted with darkness and death. Remember, the way of…
This Lenten Wednesday study series will take place on the five Wednesdays of Lent (March 9 through April 6), from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm in the South Room of the Church office building, and on Zoom. The Church Emergency Created by the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia Presented by Rev. Stephen V. Sprinkle, Ph.D. Theologian-in-Residence of the Episcopal Church of St. Thomas the Apostle and Professor of Practical Theology, Brite Divinity School There is a grave spiritual malaise underlying the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin. This act of naked aggression is fueled by the Russian fever-dream of empire and neo-colonialism cloaked beneath the sheep’s clothing of religion. What is taking place in Kyiv and throughout Ukraine constitutes a crisis for the whole Body of Christ, since Putin is cynically forging a religiously-fueled crusade for purity that distorts the gospel, pits Christian against Christian and is international in scope. I will…