

Institution of Our Fifth Rector

By Featured, News
Everyone is invited to join this great celebration on Saturday, May 14 at 11:00 am, as we will renew our ministry life together and formally institute Father Christopher as our fifth Rector! The Right Reverend Wayne Smith, the 10th Bishop of the Diocese of Missouri, on behalf of The Right Reverend Dr. George R. Sumner, Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas, will institute The Reverend Christopher Blake Thomas in A Renewal of Ministry with the Institution of Our Rector. Free overflow parking (one block away): The Primrose School 4011 Inwood Road Dallas, Texas 75209 Reception Following View Photo Gallery
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Easter Flower Donations

By Featured, News

This year our Easter Flowers were made possible by generous donations made anonymously, as well as… Given in Loving Memory of: Gerald C. Montague by Alyssa Abadinsky Arthur Darbellay by Henry Ayres Bobbie Jean Cofield Byrd by Hank Cofield & Chris Schilling James & Vicki Finley by Nelson Collier & John Baribeau Julius & Betty DeuPree by Joe DeuPree Our mothers, Rita Elsea & Laverne Page by Janet & Richard Elsea Bud Knight & Chet Flake by Barbara Foster Rev. Eddie Cooper by Jernee Goods My step-father’s brother, Norm Pfeifer by Kenneth Goodwin Roger Hering by Randy Hering Wallace & Zelta Hess by David Hess My twin sister Betsy Katz and parents Mary Virginia & Bradley Prann by The Rev. Virginia Holleman William, Mary, and John Legacy by Michael Legacy My aunt who raised me, Ana Marandiuc by Dr. Natalia Marandiuc My parents by John Mullen Bill Lackey & Caddy…

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Holy Week Schedule 2022

By Featured, Upcoming Events

Everyone is invited to join us for our Holy Week activities: Palm Sunday, April 10 | 8 am & 10:30 am Wednesday of Holy Week, April 13 | Noon – Eucharist Maundy Thursday, April 14 | 7 pm – Holy Eucharist Rite II with Foot Washing Good Friday, April 15 | 7 pm – Liturgy for Good Friday Holy Saturday, April 16 | 10 am – Holy Saturday Taize Service Great Vigil of Easter, Saturday, April 16 | 7:30 pm – Vigil & First Eucharist of Easter Easter Sunday, April 17 | 8 am & 10:30 am – Festival Holy Eucharist A more in-depth look at Holy Week at St. Thomas the Apostle Holy Week provides us with the opportunity to walk together into the deepest mysteries of our faith. It is not an easy week to enter, for we are confronted with darkness and death. Remember, the way of…

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The Wednesdays of Lent Series

By Christian Formation, Featured

This Lenten Wednesday study series will take place on the five Wednesdays of Lent (March 9 through April 6), from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm in the South Room of the Church office building, and on Zoom. The Church Emergency Created by the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia Presented by Rev. Stephen V. Sprinkle, Ph.D. Theologian-in-Residence of the Episcopal Church of St. Thomas the Apostle and Professor of Practical Theology, Brite Divinity School There is a grave spiritual malaise underlying the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin. This act of naked aggression is fueled by the Russian fever-dream of empire and neo-colonialism cloaked beneath the sheep’s clothing of religion. What is taking place in Kyiv and throughout Ukraine constitutes a crisis for the whole Body of Christ, since Putin is cynically forging a religiously-fueled crusade for purity that distorts the gospel, pits Christian against Christian and is international in scope. I will…

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Hearty and Resilient Doubters of Great Faith

By Featured, Rector's Corner

January 14, 2022 Dear Doubters of Great Faith, Happy New Year! That may seem a bit belated, considering that we are already 13 days and counting into a year that is already shaping up to resemble so much of 2020 and 2021.  But I have had the great good fortune, thanks to you, of several weeks of holiday, to reflect just a bit, and so, now it’s my turn to bid each of you a happy and joyous New Year, in spite of, or maybe even because of, the circumstances in which we find ourselves. For this time, we call it “omicron,” but before it was “delta,” and before that, “beta,” and who knows before that.  If COVID-19 has taught us nothing else in the nearly two years we have been wed to her (and to each other, by the way!), it’s that we, the people of St. Thomas the…

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Sermon for The Second Sunday of Advent

By Featured, Sermons

Christopher Thomas Sermon for the Second Sunday of Advent, Year C – 12/05/21 Malachi 3:1-4 Canticle 16 Philippians 1:3-11 Luke 3:1-6 “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Emperor Tiberius, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was ruler of Galilee, and his brother Philip ruler of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias ruler of Abilene, during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness…” Who said, “Who, me?” “Turn.” I am fascinated, captivated, motivated by this notion of “turn.” Oh, you can call it “repent,” or “metanoia.”  But for me, it’s as simple, and yet as complex, as “turn.” “Turn” is pivotal to the God-story! I’m more specifically interested in what motivates “turn.” Journey stories, all of our stories, are fraught with “turn,” twists and turns, ups and downs, forward and back,…

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Advent Book Study

By Christian Formation, Featured, News, Upcoming Events

Watch for the Light: Preparing to Welcome Christ into the World Each year, we begin the Christian calendar with the celebration of Advent as we recall and prepare again for the coming of Emmanuel, God with Us. Despite how similar and familiar the Advent and Christmas season feels, each year we approach it as different and changed people from the experiences gleaned from the year before. This year, we invite you to join our Spiritual Formation class as we read together the book of daily Advent and Christmas focused devotions, Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas (the book can be purchased at: crid=2O4SE5AVJE185&dchild=1&keywords=watch+for+the+light+readings+for+advent+a nd+christmas&qid=1634657545&qsid=144-6564208-6229959&sprefix=Watch+for+the+Lig ht%2Caps%2C188&sr=8-1&sres=087486917X%2CB01JQEJ9QQ%2C178498289X%2C1 62698123X%2C0143133780%2C149641909X%2C0874869269%2C1973345544%2C142 6790171%2C0664234291%2C1647221579%2C0736980601%2C1433556693%2C06642 62279%2C1683594223%2C1683837983&srpt=ABIS_BOOK ). The class will start Wednesday, December 1 at 6pm in the South Classroom and via Zoom and continue each Wednesday through January 5 at 6pm for roughly an hour and fifteen minutes. The readings in the book…

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