

March for our Lives

By News, Upcoming Events

This Saturday, March 24, “the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets” across our country in order to “demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools today.” Here in Dallas, students and parents will gather at Dallas City Hall at noon, and many people – including the North Dallas Chapter of Episcopal Peace Fellowship – will join with them, to encourage and to help sustain this hope-filled, student-led movement. We’ll be carpooling from Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, leaving its parking lot at 11:00 am. If you’re able, and do choose to join us (as we hope many of you will), please email either Ron Damholt or John Copeland so that we can arrange for a sufficient number of drivers. Learn more about March for Our Lives >

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Plans for Safety – Response to Active Shooters

By News

On Sunday, March 11, following the 10 am service, St. Thomas held a safety training for vestry members, ushers and greeters, staff, and parishioners. Officer Dan Birbeck taught the training, Response to Active Shooters, and provided us with a good sense of what to do if we were to have a situation in our church where our safety was compromised.

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Diocesan Night at the Ranger’s Game

By News, Upcoming Events

Join Bishop Sumner and visiting Bishop Smith, with parishioners from around the Metroplex, to watch the Texas Rangers vs. the Boston Red Socks on Friday, May 4 (First Pitch 7:05 p.m.) Tickets – Adult $15, Children 13 and under $6. To reserve tickets, or any questions contact: Fred Ellis. The deadline to reserve tickets is March 28th!

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Centering Prayer Group

By News

Join us for our Centering Prayer group on Wednesday evenings. The discipline of Centering Prayer will meet on Wednesday evenings beginning at 5:30 to sit together. We will have 2 twenty minute sessions each evening, the first from 5:30 until 5:50, and the second from 6:00 until 6:20, with a 10 minute break in between. The second “sit” will be followed by our regular Wednesday Eucharist. There will be no teaching involved, only the experience of sitting in silence before God in community. All are welcome to attend either one, or both if you like.

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The Church Decides

By News, Rector's Corner

General Convention Approves Marriage Equality Dear St. Thomas Family, What an amazing week this has been!  Last Friday the Supreme court made it legal for all Americans to marry the people they love, a decision to be celebrated. Then as Our General Convention met in Salt Lake City, we elected  Michael Curry as Presiding Bishop, the first African American to lead the church in this role.  There are many issues  being deliberated at General Convention which I hope  will lead our Church to grow  more deeply into love, justice and compassion. Just last evening  The House of Deputies approved without ammendment what the House of Bishops had already approved.  Resolution A036 revises Canon 1.18 titled “Of the Solemnization of Holy Matrimony.”  Among many edits it removes references to marriage as being between a man and a woman. They also passed A054  approving continued use of “The Witnessing and Blessing of…

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Supreme Court Decision

By News, Rector's Corner

A Wonderful Morning! Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide “The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 this morning that it is legal for all Americans, no matter their gender or sexual orientation to marry the people they love.” Dear St. Thomas Family, I know that this day has been long awaited and is an occasion of great celebration. I rejoice with you in this victory for equal rights and look forward to further conversations with you. You may also know that the General Convention of the Episcopal Church is in session right now and is considering a  canon revision to the definition of marriage, so this is good news also but a change to the Book of Common Prayer will most likely not occur for some time.  For more information and conversation about what is happening at convention regarding this,  I refer you to two blogs, one by Tobias Haller ( and…

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St. Thomas makes a statement

By News

Rev. Joy Daley and a number of St. Thomas parishioners joined together at the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration for a NOH8 photo shoot. Celebrity photographer Adam Bouska came to the Dallas area to capture the fight for marriage equality and take a stand against discrimination and bullying of all kinds. The NOH8 campaign makes a statement without saying a word; guess you can call that a picture perfect protest. Featured on News Fix CW33 | March 14, 2015 | by Selena Hernandez Read full article >

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