

Easter Flower Donations

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This year our Easter Flowers were made possible by generous donations made anonymously, as well as… Given in Loving Memory of: Gerald C. Montague by Alyssa Abadinsky Arthur Darbellay by Henry Ayres Bobbie Jean Cofield Byrd by Hank Cofield & Chris Schilling James & Vicki Finley by Nelson Collier & John Baribeau Julius & Betty DeuPree by Joe DeuPree Our mothers, Rita Elsea & Laverne Page by Janet & Richard Elsea Bud Knight & Chet Flake by Barbara Foster Rev. Eddie Cooper by Jernee Goods My step-father’s brother, Norm Pfeifer by Kenneth Goodwin Roger Hering by Randy Hering Wallace & Zelta Hess by David Hess My twin sister Betsy Katz and parents Mary Virginia & Bradley Prann by The Rev. Virginia Holleman William, Mary, and John Legacy by Michael Legacy My aunt who raised me, Ana Marandiuc by Dr. Natalia Marandiuc My parents by John Mullen Bill Lackey & Caddy…

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What is Foyer?

By News, Upcoming Events

What today we refer to as foyer dinner groups were born in the Diocese of Coventry, England, in the aftermath of the massive destruction at the height of the German bombings of London and Coventry during World War II. The fourteenth-century Cathedral of St. Michael (Coventry Cathedral) was destroyed in the nine-hour blitz of 14 November 1940, but a ministry of reconciliation evolved from that destruction.  Rather than dwell on the violent loss of his beloved place of worship, Provost Howard was inspired to found a ministry of reconciliation that he called the Community of the Cross and Nails. While sifting through the rubble of the cathedral, he gathered many of the old nails that had fallen among the ruins and was inspired to have them twisted together to form a cross. This cross of nails and the words “Father, Forgive” became the unifying symbol of the International Ministry of…

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