

Becoming the Solution – In Response to the Dallas Shootings

By Rector's Corner, Sermons

Proper 10C, July 10,2016 Deuteronomy 30:9-14 Psalm 25: 1-9,Colossians 1: 1-14 Luke 10:25-37 St. Thomas the Apostle The Rev’d Joy Daley   The parable of the Good Samaritan – One of the most famous parables of Jesus, one that is used as an example of what the law is really saying about loving God and neighbor. I have to admit when I realized this was the gospel for today early last week, I thought, “Everybody’s heard it a million times with pretty much the same moral. What more is there to say?” But over the course of this week I find I am no longer tired of this gospel for it has many things to say to us in the hour we are facing.   We see the state of our human family up close and personal. There is no way to be in denial. It was a peaceful gathering…

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Sermon – Third Sunday in Lent

By Sermons

One of the movies nominated for best picture this year was Selma which recalls the time in the not so distant past when the country was divided over the fight for equal rights as Martin Luther King, Jr. gathered people together to make a choice, to take a stand. The movie doesn’t cover his whole life but a period of 3 months, a moment in time about the work leading up to the Voting Rights Act. In one clip from the movie we see MLK say forcefully “It is unacceptable to use power to keep people voiceless” And though this man was nonviolent he did take action to raise consciousness to push against the accepted oppressive norms. This action led to violence as forces within this country resisted the walk to freedom as people were clubbed and beaten for standing up for their rights. Ironically the bridge where the marchers…

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Sermon – First Sunday in Lent

By Sermons

As I thought about the wilderness I remembered a time several years ago when I was out in East Texas walking. I was in a wooded area which was enclosed and familiar to me I was passing by trees and streams that I had seen many times before. I was thinking as I walked, trying to understand a situation at work so you would have thought that the familiar surroundings were a good place to do that but for whatever reason I wasn’t content with the setting and felt compelled to go beyond the usual boundaries of my walk to look for a break in the fence enclosing the area and I found one, so I crossed the road and began to walk on a path I had never seen before. I needed a new perspective I was in the wilderness of sort, seeking enlightenment The road was open before…

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Sermon – Ash Wednesday

By Sermons

I recently watched an episode of Modern family in which the Dad Phil was in charge of making his teenage girls clean their bathroom Of course they swore they had done it so they could run off and go be with their friends. Then he opened a door and everything spilled out We’ve all experienced some version of this Whether it be with our children or ourselves. You get a call that someone is coming to visit who you didn’t expect. You scramble to get all your junk out of sight so everything looks real good for the visit, being sure that you don’t have to open the door or drawer for any reason while they are there because of the inevitable overflow. Otherwise your visitors will see more of the truth of you than you would like – that you are not quite as neat and organized as you…

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Sermon – July 27th

By News, Sermons

Eschatology is the study of the end of time and how it will come. You may have seen those bumper stickers that say, “In case of the Rapture this car will be empty” or “ In case of the Rapture you can have my stuff.” These stickers refer to one way of seeing how the end will come, how the reign of God’s kingdom will be ushered in. In this Apocalyptic Eschatology the world is filled with evil and at the appointed time God will break in to save the righteous in a powerful and obvious way. . They will be whisked away to be a part of God’s kingdom and the unrighteous will be left behind. Apocalyptic eschatology in particular stresses the lostness, the evil of the world with an emphasis on Imminent Divine Intervention. In this world view humans wait for God to act. This is not the…

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Sermon – July 6th

By Sermons

For a few weeks now we have been considering discipleship of being sent the challenges , taking up our cross, the sustenance that will be received on the journey and now we have that reassuring passage of the comfort that will be provided to the weary, for those who need rest for their souls. But Jesus is not just addressing this to those who have the normal struggles of life like sickness too many bills. He is addressing his remarks to those who are on a religious quest seeking God and a relationship with God,those who are spiritually tired from using the regular ways of finding peace and are tired out from doing that He is telling his hearers that the religious leaders have missed the point the yoke of the Pharisees of trying to get it right by following the law leads to labor of being heavy laden (The…

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Sermon – March 16th

By Sermons

On Thursday I was in the office studying the gospel “Truly I tell you no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above” At that very moment I hear tromp tromp tromp above my head heavy footsteps. Yikes ! Was I about to be reborn from above? Well, Yes and No. It was the AC guys up in the ceiling changing the filters and making sure the system was blowing air efficiently. The next line of the gospel is “the wind blows where it chooses you hear the sound of it but you don’t know where it come from or where it goes.” Practically speaking the wind doesn’t really blow where it chooses if you never change the filters. And part of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus is related to changing the filter in order that the wind of the spirit can get through to him. Nicodemus…

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