8:00 a.m. Rite 1
10:30 a.m. Rite 2 | In-person & live streaming on YouTube

We hope the following information will help you get acquainted with what to expect when you visit our community for the first time. Our goal is to help you feel comfortable and welcomed.
The best service to attend as a first-time visitor is the main Sunday Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. (Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early.) The service will last about 1 hour. We invite you to stay and join us for coffee and pastries in the Parish Hall afterwards.
Dress is casual. Feel free to come as you are. Folks will be wearing everything from shorts to jeans to suits. We are sometimes more dressy on the big services of Easter, Pentecost and Christmas, but only marginally so.
Upon arriving, you will enter at the back of the church in an area we call the entry way or narthex. There is a table there where you can get a blue visitor’s name tag, which will alert us that you may need some assistance finding your way around during your visit. Before entering the church, be sure to get a Service Order Bulletin from one of the ushers. It will help you follow the service.
Once inside the church, under the seat of the chair in front of you, you will find two books, the black Book of Common Prayer and the blue Hymnal. Both are used during the service. The Book of Common Prayer contains the liturgy or script of the service and the Hymnal contains the songs we sing. The Service Order Bulletin will let you know what book to use when and what page to go to.
Our observance of the Eucharist is usually consistent from week to week. On special occasions things will vary but the Service Order Bulletin will be the best guide for what is going on. The rule of thumb is that we stand to sing, sit to listen, and stand or kneel to pray. As a visitor, feel free to join in as much or as little as you wish.
After the service, visitors are urged to sign the guest register at the back of the church. Don’t worry! We like to have a record that you visited us and we will send you a note thanking you for paying us that honor.
We look forward to welcoming you.