
Saint Thomas Angel Tree

By November 21, 2018 December 13th, 2018 No Comments

The annual St. Thomas Angel Tree, benefiting children in CPS care over the holidays, is located in the vestibule on the north side of the Narthex. There are still cards available to pick up. Most of our children this year are infants or one year old so pick up a card or cards so that all of them receive something from St. Thomas the Apostle at Christmas.

UNWRAPPED gifts should be brought back to the church by Tuesday, December 4th. The card with the child’s name that was picked up from the church should be attached to the gift when it is returned. If one child is receiving more than the requested gift, please place the child’s unwrapped gifts in a single bag and attach the card to the outside of the bag so that the child will receive all that was purchased for him or her.

It’s perfectly acceptable to take more than one card and to purchase more than the one item that was requested. Please just ensure that the card with the name of the child is safely secured to the gift(s) so that no one will be left out.

If a person picks up a card or cards and finds that, for whatever reason, they are not going to be able to get a gift at all or cannot get it to the church by December 4th, please contact the office (214-352-0410) or return the card to the church so that other arrangements can be made.