Vestry Meeting Minutes

April 2020 Vestry Minutes

By April 21, 2020 May 1st, 2020 No Comments

St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church | Vestry Meeting Minutes | April 21, 2020

Vestry Members Present
Joe DeuPree, Rector’s Warden
Michael Legacy, Vestry’s Warden
Andrew Besterman
Kathy Carson
Todd Frary
Steven Lee
Pamala Gilliland
Jack McCroskey
John Van Buskirk

Staff Present
Fr. Christopher Thomas

Officers Present
Mike Gsell, Treasurer
Paul McCright, Clerk
Rusty Rippamonti, Vice Chancellor

These minutes contain the following Vestry actions:

  1. Motions to approve the minutes of the March Vestry meeting and to approve the April financial report.
  2. Motion to approve the Church applying for an SBA Payroll Protection loan.
  3. Motion to use funds from the capital improvement fund to cover the cost of replacing the fire alarm panel.
  4. Motions to appoint volunteers to the Endowment Fund Committee, Stewardship Team, and Audit Team.
  5. Motion to purchase a camera for recording worship services in the Sanctuary.
  6. Motion to approve a Rector’s Ministry Account and to approve Fr. Christopher and Joe DeuPree as authorized signatories to the account.
  7. Motion to establish a ministry position for support of social media outreach and the development of a targeted young adult ministry, funded through a special donation.

Note: We are unable to meet in person due to the Covid-19 common sense physical distancing restrictions placed by authorities of the government and church.

The vestry meeting was called to order on Zoom at 7:11 p.m. with prayer by Fr. Christopher Thomas. The following agenda was covered during the meeting.



Each person had the opportunity to offer up details concerning their lives.

The minutes of the Vestry Meeting held on March 25, 2020 were approved.

Motion to approve the minutes of the March Vestry Meeting.
Moved by: John Van Buskirk
Seconded by: Todd Frary
Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Mike Gsell presented the monthly financial reports. He noted that Congress has passed the additional SBA Payroll Protection Act second round today, so if we wish to apply for that money, we need to file our application as soon as possible. Offerings are expected to be down in the future and may have a continued downward trend with additional people losing employment. Building use is down. Our investments are losing value due to the declining stock market. He suggests we reconsider taking funds from the endowment fund to balance the 2020 budget due to these losses. We would probably be eligible for about $50,000 under the new law.

Motion to approve financial report.
Moved by: Joe DeuPree
Seconded by: Michael Legacy
Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Motion to apply for the governmental SBA Payroll Protection Funds.
Moved by: Kathy Carson
Seconded by: Joe DeuPree
Motion carried by a vote of 7 to 2.

Overall, we are in line with the budget except for the replacement of the fire alarm panel and some building repairs, which puts us over the annual budget for maintenance already. We could take funds for the fire alarm from the capital improvement fund.

Motion to use funds from the capital improvement fund to cover the cost of replacing the fire alarm panel.
Moved by: Stephen Lee
Seconded by: Kathy Carson
Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

The question was raised that the water bill seems excessive given that it is winter. The garden seemed very wet recently during dry weather. Sprinklers may need to be adjusted.

Mike Gsell will make the SBA Payroll Protection Loan application with the help of Joe DeuPree.

Volunteers have stepped forward or been recruited for the following committees:

a. Endowment Fund – Paul McCright, Jerry Knight, and Fred Ellis have volunteered to serve on this committee.

Motion to appoint these three to serve until the end of the year.
Moved by: Stephen Lee
Seconded by: Kathy Carson
Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

b. Audit Team – Alberto Galue’ has volunteered to head the Audit Committee.

Motion to appoint Alberto to head this committee and pick other committee members.
Moved by: Stephen Lee
Seconded by: Kathy Carson
Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

c. Stewardship Team – Randy Hering has volunteered to head the Stewardship Committee.

Motion to appoint Randy to head this committee and pick other committee members.
Moved by: Joe DeuPree
Seconded by: John Van Buskirk
Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

7. WARDEN REPORTS – DeuPree & Legacy

Vestry’s Warden, Michael Legacy:
Gutters and outside windows were cleaned. No water has entered the building since then. We are considering screens for the gutters and painting the building. Both projects will be delayed temporarily due to financial considerations. The gravel path in front has been replaced with crushed granite. Three trees need to be removed and several others trimmed. Total cost is estimated to be $1,550 with an expected completion in a few weeks.

A member suggested we need to consider resurfacing the concrete walkway near the garden.

Since we are not able to use the church for the next several months, is there a way we can actually mothball the building until we can reopen? Michael will look into the possibility.

Jack volunteered to check the building and the garden periodically during this time.

Rector’s Warden, Joe DeuPree:
Fred Ellis is looking into obtaining a camera that can be mounted near the rear of the Sanctuary to record the entire service. The bid for this is $3,579 to be paid from the Knight-Flake Fund.

Motion to approve the purchase of this camera according to this bid.
Moved by: John Van Buskirk
Seconded by: Pamala Gilliland
Motion carried by voice vote with one abstention.

During the period of social isolation, posting Vestry meeting minutes and Church financials on the bulletin board does not reach parishioners. Various ways of distributing these documents were discussed. By consensus, it was decided the approved minutes and the financials can be placed on the website including those for March and April.

Stephen Lee reported on several items related to the community garden.
The North Texas Food Bank and a couple of other charities will accept the produce. We are applying for a $1,000 grant that looks promising. Stephen suggests we look at our own people who might need assistance to offer them produce. We have added 2 gardeners, which brings the income to $1,200 annually. Gardeners are also asking if a fence will be installed. Our quote for a green chain link fence would be just over $8,000, but could be reduced if attached to the neighbor’s fence. The Garden Fund would cover this cost. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of discontinuing the community garden. The consensus was to have these discussions in the future but take no immediate action. Suggestion to table the fence expense until we have a more stable financial situation.

Joe reported we have opened the Rector’s Ministry fund at Bank of America

Motion to approve the Bank of America account and to approve Fr. Christopher and Joe DeuPree as authorized signatories to the account.
Moved by: John Van Buskirk
Seconded by: Andrew Besterman
Motion carried by voice vote.

A member suggested the Church needs some type of virtual membership list so new members can learn who the existing members are when we cannot gather together. Allan Junek and Kathy Carson are to create a virtual introduction of both new members and current members with the goal of the parish “knowing” each other by the time the church is open for worship. This could be a nice addition to how we manage our parish in the future especially since St Thomas is a destination church not a neighborhood church and if we continue to have distant members.


Fr. Christopher explained why we are conducting our worship services using Zoom meetings. This method allows people to participate and see each other, which fits our theology of service and corporate worship. We also want to honor the civic restrictions and protect everyone’s health, so we do not want to bring a number of people together to put on a worship service. Bishop Smith made the point that this is a time for fasting from the Eucharist. Having the Rector show the Eucharist does not fit the theology of the Eucharist.

Fr. Christopher noted our numbers are higher than last year at this time, by a third to a half greater, reaching about 90 on Easter. This says people are willing to come find us on line. We need to take some of this forward when we go back to “normal.”

The retired clergy in this parish have been providing great support to the Rector during this time. All those who participated in music as well as the clergy have been very supportive. Providing provocative meaningful worship has been very important to Fr. Christopher, as is keeping the congregation connected.

There will be a lot of logistical questions that will need to be answered as we have a “soft” re-opening of the building.

In terms of in-reach, we need to have people thinking about how we deal with this isolation and grief. In terms of out-reach, we need to think about what we can be doing that does not jeopardize our health but does provide real outreach ministries. Fr. Christopher asked Vestry members to start thinking about these issues for discussions about them in the future.

Fr. Christopher recognized the ministry of Allan Junek among us. He’s helped us move into the virtual world and has been a valuable asset in preparing for and conducting our Zoom-based services. Allan is a seminarian at Brite Divinity School who wants to move through a discernment process for entering into the Episcopal clergy. We need to decide if we want to be a part of his discernment process. Fr. Christopher would also like to include Allan in a formal supervised ministry program in a compensated position. Fr. Christopher has a donor who has offered to fund Allan’s position through the end of the year. He asked if this is something the Vestry wants to do.

A member asked for more details regarding the proposed duties and compensation for the supervised ministry program.

Fr. Christopher explained that Allan is currently preparing behind the scenes for the online services. He would take over social media and be active in the stewardship campaign. Eventually Fr. Christopher would like him to create a ministry for 20-somethings in the congregation. The plan would be to pay him as a regular employee at $1200 per month.

Motion to authorize: (1) creating a paid ministry position from May 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 with responsibilities for development of social media and a targeted young adult ministry and other ministries as deemed appropriate by the Rector; and (2) funding this paid ministry position with a salary in the amount of approximately $1,000 per month net after payroll taxes, such funding contingent on an offsetting donation by a donor of funds to St. Thomas for an amount sufficient to cover said salary amount and associated payroll taxes. Subject to future funding, the position may be extendable into 2021 with Vestry approval.
Moved by: Andrew Besterman
Seconded by: Kathy Carson
Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Fr. Christopher shared that we have two notable theologians in residence at St. Thomas. Steve Sprinkle from Brite Divinity School and Mark Jordan from Harvard Divinity School have chosen to make St. Thomas their home church.

Todd noted that in the Zoom worship services we have not been discussing donations, but that we need to have donations in order to continue operations. A discussion ensued about who should make such announcements. Fr. Christopher suggested it be rotated through the Vestry as well as the Rector. Joe DeuPree suggested a note be developed so all Vestry members deliver the same message. This will begin on April 26.

Fr. Christopher led the group in the Lord’s Prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.m.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 19, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,
Paul McCright, Clerk