Vestry Meeting Minutes

June 2020 Vestry Minutes

By June 16, 2020 August 19th, 2020 No Comments

St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church | Vestry Meeting Minutes | June 16, 2020

Vestry Members Present
Joe DeuPree, Rector’s Warden
Michael Legacy, Vestry’s Warden
Andrew Besterman
Kathy Carson
Todd Frary
Steven Lee
Pamala Gilliland
Jack McCroskey
John Van Buskirk

Staff Present
Fr. Christopher Thomas, Rector
Allen Junek, Seminarian

Officers Present
Mike Gsell, Treasurer
Wynne Voorhees, Asst. Treasurer
Paul McCright, Clerk
Rusty Rippamonti, Vice Chancellor

These minutes contain the following Vestry actions:

  1. Motion to allow Lambda AA to return to the building at the time they desire subject to specific conditions.

Note: We are unable to meet in person due to the Covid-19 common sense physical distancing restrictions placed by authorities of the government and church.



The vestry meeting was called to order on Zoom at 7:05 p.m. with prayer by Fr. Christopher Thomas. The following agenda was covered during the meeting.

Each person had the opportunity to offer up details concerning their lives. A general discussion centered on the effects of the coronavirus and the shelter-in-place orders.

The minutes of the Vestry Meeting held on May 19, 2020 were approved May 28 in online voting. 8 YEA, 1 not voting.

Mike Gsell stated the monthly financial reports are not complete for May due to the early date of the Vestry meeting. He noted that Congress has passed a new bill to forgive paycheck loans if used by December 31. Only 60% of the loan will need to be used for payroll to qualify. The Vestry will need to decide if we should apply for forgiveness of the loan.

An issue has come up regarding the online giving software. The problem was a donation meant to meet a pledge will default to “plate income” unless the giver specifically marks it as a pledge.

Joe DeuPree suggested we include a notice in the Doubter concerning the opportunity to correct any issues with regard to proper categorization of donations. Joe will prepare a notice for the Doubter to include some education about the donations, especially related to online giving.

Steven Lee asked if we need to have an audit of the contributions. Wynne Voorhees noted there will be an audit during 2020.

6. RECTOR’S REPORT-Fr. Christopher
Fr. Christopher reported that the attendance numbers for Zoom services continue to hold well. Things relative to the lockdown are going well for the Church. The Doubter happy hour program has been popular with about 30 joining via Zoom. The happy hour meetings allow us to listen as a group to where we might want to go with our future ministries and to determine what resonates with all of us. We are three weeks into the Basis of the Faith Catechism class, which has 14 people, both long time members and newcomers, participating. It is a good time of working together through theological questions and also allows people to get to know one another. We will have a confirmation service with the Bishop when that becomes possible. Eight or nine people have transferred into the parish during the shelter-in-place time. Kathy and Allen are working on a project to help people get to know one another.

The Supreme Court ruling this week regarding inclusion of LGBTQ people in groups protected from employment discrimination is something we may want to celebrate.

Joe DeuPree has suggested we have small gatherings with people for them to get to know him better. He wants to get ideas regarding the nature of such gatherings from any of us. “Virtual Foyer” or “Tea with the Rector” were suggested.

As Fr. Christopher talks with people and does pastoral counseling, he is finding that people are under stress due to the non-normal routine. Oftentimes, frustrations expressed are not the real frustrations people may be feeling. People may need new coping skills to deal with all the issues such as the coronavirus and racial issues that are not hopeful. He encourages everyone to be aware of that and have mercy and grace with each other. He suggests to try to avoid email and make a phone call instead as this helps people feel deeply heard and reduces their frustration.

Next month, Fr. Christopher will be taking some vacation time, but wants to be part of any Vestry retreat work.

In keeping with Fr. Christopher’s comments, Joe DeuPree noted that it’s important to be kind to each other, as a Vestry and as parishioners, even if it’s a challenge. One thing we are missing is the Vestry retreat we should have had at the beginning of our terms. A retreat allows members to get acquainted and learn how to work together. He proposed we begin some work like that. To get better acquainted, we can take a few minutes in a Vestry meeting to talk a bit about our backgrounds and our present lives. We might do this tonight. We can work to establish our expectations about how we would run our meetings and interact together.

Joe suggests that perhaps we can take 30-minute blocks in our meetings to do a virtual retreat. Jack McCroskey suggested we have an in-person Vestry retreat since it would be 10 or fewer people.

The topic of trust-building was discussed as it is critical for what we have to do.
Steven Lee suggested that another good topic is goal-setting.

Joe reported that at the happy hour earlier tonight, we had a full discussion regarding Regathering. It seemed that many people are not ready to begin meeting in person at this time due to the continuing high infection numbers in Texas and Dallas County. He has had some discussions with Lambda AA about them beginning to meet again in the South Room. They are currently doing online meetings, which is going well for continuing members but is not bringing in new people. We will need to decide when we will be comfortable with them coming back into the space. The Bishop has said this is a decision for the Vestry. John Van Buskirk asked about what guidelines will be in place before groups are allowed back into the building. Joe stated that we will be following the CDC guidelines. Outside groups will be required to perform sanitization per the CDC guidelines when they use the facilities.

Rusty Rippamonti suggested outside groups follow all CDC guidelines including cleaning and disinfection after each use. Lambda AA will be limited to the South Room and adjacent restroom and limited to parking in the South parking lot and back lot. We need a copy of their liability insurance policy and indemnification of the church for any and all claims due to their use. We can provide a month’s credit to building use fee due to their payment for April. Consensus is to move forward with a letter to Lambda to be sent by July 1. Kathy Carson asked if we should allow another group to return to the building before the congregation returns for worship services. Kathy proposed tabling the question for a month to see how the coronavirus numbers change. This would allow us to get our sanitation ready before they might come back. Andrew Besterman suggested Lambda should decide when they want to meet in person. Their return to the building does not impact our parishioners since they will be restricted in where they go within the building.

The following Motion was presented:
The Vestry authorizes the Triangle Recovery for Lambda Group (“Lambda AA”) to resume use of the south room and adjacent bathroom pursuant to the current Room Use Agreement between the Episcopal Church of St. Thomas the Apostle (“Church”) and Lambda AA dated August 28, 2019 subject to the following conditions:

  1. Lambda AA will observe all CDC guidelines regarding Covid 19 when using the Church facilities, including but not limited to, cleaning and disinfecting the Church facilities used by Lambda after use by Lambda AA;
  2. Lambda AA is allowed to only use the south room and adjacent bathroom of the Church facilities;
  3. Lambda AA is allowed to only park in the south parking lot and the adjacent 6 parking spaces of the rear lot of the Church facilities;
  4. If not already provided to St. Thomas, Lambda AA will provide the Church a copy of its liability policy for $2,000,000 as per the current Room Use Agreement;
  5. Lambda AA re-affirms that it will indemnify and hold the Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas harmless from any claims arising out of Lambda AA’s use of the Church’s facilities; and
  6. St Thomas will apply a credit of one month’s use fee prepaid by Lambda AA for April toward future room use fees of Lambda AA.

Additionally, the Vestry authorizes Chancellor Rippamonti to send a letter to Lambda AA regarding the above listed items.
Moved by: Steven Lee
Seconded by: Jack McCroskey
Motion carried by unanimous vote.

The Jung Society and other smaller groups will not be allowed to use the facilities until further notice since logistics and building configuration make it very difficult for the Church to provide regular sanitation to the various parts of the facility. Members had a general agreement that other groups not be allowed to return at this point.

Jack McCroskey found the northside alarm off last Friday. Kathy Carson suggested we have the north doors re-keyed in order to control entrance. Pamala Gilliland suggested we just change the code on the alarm instead of changing the key. John Van Buskirk asked what the cost would be to re-key the doors. No one knew, although it was considered not prohibitive.

Rusty Rippamonti noted the employees of the parish (admin, seminarian, organist) report to the Rector. Personnel issues should be reported to the Rector instead of the Vestry.

Kathy Carson reported that the Greeters Corner has four people under consideration for joining the group. They expect to have some in place on June 25.

8. WARDEN REPORTS-DeuPree & Legacy
Vestry’s Warden, Michael Legacy:

  • Tomorrow, the city inspectors will inspect the fire panel.
  • The telephone company has not yet removed the two lines that are now unnecessary due to the installation of the wireless fire alarm system, so we will ask for a credit.
  • Michael is working with a representation of the organ company to get a price for repair of the organ.
  • Several leaky sprinklers have been fixed, but the water bill is still high. Michael will continue working on the problem.
  • We will not have new foyer groups during the remainder of 2020.
  • We need a new office computer; Michael will begin looking at computers.
  • We need to get Fr. Christopher’s laptop and printer configured for the church wifi system.

Rector’s Warden, Joe DeuPree:

  • No additional report.

Seminarian’s Report
Allen met virtually with Bishop Smith last week and will meet with him again next week. Allen will be doing his discernment with the Bishop.

Fr. Christopher led the group in the Lord’s Prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 21, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul McCright, Clerk