Vestry Meeting Minutes

January 2021 Vestry Minutes

By March 17, 2021 No Comments

St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church | Vestry Meeting Minutes | January 19, 2021

Vestry Members Present
Joe DeuPree, Senior Warden
Michael Legacy, Junior Warden
Andrew Besterman
Kathy Carson
Murray Followill
Todd Frary
Randy Hering
Lisa Pearson
Ruth Woodward

Staff Present
Allen Junek, Seminarian-in-Residence

Officers Present
Mike Gsell, Treasurer
Paul McCright, Clerk
Rusty Rippamonti, Vice Chancellor

Father Christopher Thomas, Rector

These minutes contain the following Vestry actions:
1) Motion to transfer funds from the Memorial Fund to balance the 2019 Church Budget.
2) Election of 2021 Vestry Officers: Junior Warden Michael Legacy, Church Treasurer Randy Hering, Chancellor Rusty Rippamonti, and Church Clerk Paul McCright.
3) Motion to add Murray Followill to signature authority on Church bank accounts.
4) Motion to establish new Church policy on the disposition of Church assets.
5) Motion to establish Rector Emeritus position and name The Reverend Stephen J. Waller as the first Rector Emeritus.
6) Motion to express appreciation to outgoing 2020 Vestry members.

Note: We are unable to meet in person due to the Covid-19 common sense physical distancing restrictions placed by authorities of the government and church.



The Vestry meeting was called to order on Zoom at 7:05 p.m. by Senior Warden Joe DeuPree. Father Christopher is on vacation. Allen opened the meeting with a prayer. The following agenda was covered during the meeting.



Each person had the opportunity to offer up details concerning their lives. Today Joe rang the bell at the Church in honor of those who have died from COViD-19 in conjunction with the national ceremony.


The financial reports were distributed to Vestry members via email. Mike Gsell gave the following report:
< We will end 2020 with about an $11K shortfall from the year, including a transfer of surplus from 2019, the Payroll Protection Loan, and a couple of other adjustments. < Mike recommends we transfer from the Memorial Fund the amount needed to balance the Budget for 2019. Michael noted we had predicted the need for transferring about $48K from the Memorial Fund. Motion to transfer $10,788 from the Memorial Fund to balance the 2019 Budget. Moved by Michael Legacy. Seconded by Kathy Carson. Motion approved unanimously by show of hands. 5. VESTRY OFFICER ELECTIONS DeuPree

< Vestry officers are Treasurer, Chancellor, and the Clerk. The Junior Warden is elected by the Vestry. Motion to nominate Michael Legacy as Junior Warden (Vestry’s Warden) for 2021. Moved by Joe DeuPree. Seconded by Ruth Woodward. Motion approved unanimously by show of hands. < Although we have hired a professional to handle Church bookkeeping, we must have an elected Treasurer who is a member of the Parish. Randy Hering volunteered to serve as Treasurer for 2021 and was approved unanimously by show of hands. < Rusty Rippamonti (Vice-Chancellor for 2020) volunteered to become Chancellor and was approved unanimously by show of hands. < Motion to nominate Paul McCright to continue for 2021 as Clerk of the Vestry. Moved by Joe DeuPree Seconded by Todd Frary Motion approved unanimously by show of hands. 6. CONSIDERATION OF BANKING RESOLUTION (SIGNATURE AUTHORITY) DeuPree

In order to provide a third signatory to Church banking accounts, the following resolutions were submitted by Joe DeuPree.

< BE IT RESOLVED, that the following individual be removed as an authorized signer on the bank account at Amegy Bank, effective immediately: Steven Lee BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following individual be added as authorized signer on the bank account at Amegy Bank, effective immediately: Murray Followill It is agreed that Joe DeuPree and Michael Legacy will remain as authorized signers on the bank account at Amegy Bank. < BE IT RESOLVED, that the following individual be removed as an authorized signer on the bank account at Inwood National Bank, effective immediately: Steven Lee BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following individual be added as authorized signer on the bank account at Inwood National Bank, effective immediately: Murray Followill It is agreed that Joe DeuPree and Michael Legacy will remain as authorized signers on the bank account at Inwood National Bank. < BE IT RESOLVED, that the following individual be removed as an authorized signer on the bank account at Bank of America, N.A., effective immediately: Steven Lee BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following individual be added as authorized signer on the bank account at Bank of America, N.A., effective immediately: Murray Followill It is agreed that Joe DeuPree and Michael Legacy will remain as authorized signers on the bank account at Bank of America, N.A. Motion to pass the three banking signatory resolutions: Moved by Kathy Carson. Seconded by Michael Legacy. Motion approved unanimously by show of hands. 7. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION FOR DISPOSITION OF ASSETS DeuPree / Rippamonti

The Church needs a resolution for how to handle gifts of stock to the Church. Rusty Rippamonti has prepared a resolution to meet this need to convert the stock into cash. The following policy was read and discussed:

The Episcopal Church of St. Thomas The Apostle
Sale of Securities Policy
Adopted January 19, 2021

1. All gifts and bequests of publicly traded securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, REITs, etc.,) to the Episcopal Church of St. Thomas the Apostle (the “Parish”), but NOT directly to the Endowment Fund of St Thomas, shall be expeditiously sold promptly after the gift or bequest is received by the Parish and converted to cash deposited in one of the Parish’s existing accounts (hereinafter “Sale Transaction”).
2. This Policy adopted by the Vestry authorizes without further Vestry action for the Sr. Warden to provide a sell order for said Sale Transaction to a qualified broker acting on behalf of one of the Parish’s accounts into which the sale proceeds are to be deposited; and further authorizes payment of reasonable and customary brokerage fees to the broker for said Sales Transaction.
3. Information on any gifts and bequests of non-publicly traded securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, REITs, etc.,) to the Episcopal Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, but NOT directly to the Endowment Fund of St Thomas, shall be provided by the Sr. Warden to a qualified broker acting on behalf of one of the Parish’s accounts and requesting suggestions regarding a recommended disposition strategy solicited from said broker. Said recommended disposition strategy together with information regarding the gift or bequest shall be provided to the Vestry at its next regularly scheduled meeting, at which time the Vestry shall consider and direct procedures for a timely disposition of said gift or bequest of non-publicly traded securities.
4. All gifts and bequests of publicly traded and non-publicly traded securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, REITs, etc.,) directly to the Endowment Fund of St Thomas, shall be handled in accordance with the Endowment Fund Resolutions as previously adopted and amended by the Vestry. The Vestry directs that the Endowment Committee meet promptly after receiving notice of such a gift or bequest and provide recommendations to the Vestry regarding disposition of any such gifts or bequest to the Endowment Fund.

Motion to adopt this policy.
Moved by Andrew Besterman
Seconded by Todd Frary
Motion approved unanimously by show of hands.


Motion to ratify the position of Rector Emeritus and name the Reverend Stephen J. Waller to be the first recipient.
Moved by Joe DeuPree.
Seconded by Murray Followill.
Motion approved unanimously by show of hands.


Michael Legacy referred to the Year-end report for 2020 and added the following:
< We are re-keying a number of doors to the building. Michael explained the new pattern of keys and what they operate. Vestry members will receive their keys within a few weeks. < The gutter project and outside painting are the primary projects for this year. A more direct walkway to access the offices is also planned. 10. SENIOR WARDEN’S REPORT DeuPree

< South Room Use Step-Up, an AA group, is asking to use this room for meetings one time per week (Saturdays, 8:30-9:30 a.m.). They have about 15 members. Joe asked for any feedback on the agreement planned to this group. Their fee would be $25 per meeting. A clause regarding St. Thomas’ need for the space to over-ride the AA group in rare circumstances will be added to the agreement. < Discussion about Vestry Responsibilities Vestry members are considered Church leaders and should set an example, being at services and functions and making themselves available to talk with parishioners. They should participate in the life of the Parish and attend meetings of the Vestry. The Vestry is responsible for counting funds as they are received. Andrew is developing a counting schedule for future weeks, to begin the week of February 7. < Vestry Retreat The Vestry Retreat will be Saturday February 20 from 9 to 1 on Zoom. This will also encompass the February Vestry Meeting and will include officers with the Vestry members. 11. THANKS TO OUTGOING VESTRY MEMBERS DeuPree

Joe DeuPree presented the following resolution to thank outgoing Vestry members:
Be it resolved, that the Vestry of the Episcopal Church of St. Thomas the Apostle wishes to take the opportunity to express its utmost gratitude to Steven Lee for his faithful service as a Vestry member for the past three years and his service as Junior Warden, and to Pamala Gilliland and John VanBuskirk for their faithful service as a Vestry member for the past year of two unexpired terms on the Vestry. It was a pleasure working alongside each of you.

Motion to adopt this resolution.
Moved by Joe DeuPree.
Seconded by Todd Frary.
Motion approved by show of hands.


13. EXECUTIVE SESSION DeuPree / Rippamonti

The Vestry considered the agreement between the Church and the Seminarian-in-Residence.

Motion to approve the agreement as presented.
Moved by Michael Legacy.
Seconded by Kathy Carson.
Motion approved by show of hands.


The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m.

The next meeting will be held as a part of the Vestry Retreat on February 20.

Respectfully submitted,
Paul McCright, Clerk