NewsUpcoming Events


By May 5, 2021 May 25th, 2021 No Comments



DATE: Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

NOTE: The ZOOM service remains at 9:00 a.m.

LOCATION: Parish Hall

Outside doors have been left open throughout the service for the first three Sundays, but due to warmer temperatures, these doors will now be closed. During the months that the property was closed down due to COVID-19, the HVAC system throughout the entire property has been outfitted with advanced equipment for our safety. St. Thomas has installed air scrubbers on all of its HVAC units. 

These air scrubber systems are many times more powerful than normal HVAC filtration systems at eliminating airborne pathogens. HVAC systems can capture dirt and dust from the air through their regular air filter inserts.  Meanwhile, the scrubbers using UV light can get rid of much more minute living organisms such as bacteria and viruses, which further improves the air quality.

Parking is available in both the South and North Lots.

Temperatures will be taken prior to entering the Parish Hall. Individuals with temperatures of 100 degrees or higher will not be allowed to enter.

 Masks are required throughout the entire service. Face shields alone are not acceptable.

Attendees will be seated six feet apart unless in a family unit.

 The entire service will be in a printed bulletin. No hymnals or prayer books will be provided.

 Main restrooms will be available. All other spaces are Off Limits.

Music will be provided by the piano and a soloist/cantor.

There will be singing but masks must remain on.

The Exchange of the Peace will be done with the congregation masked, from their seats and with no touching except for members of a household seated together. Appropriate actions could be a wave, a nod, or something similar.

The collection plates will be passed throughout the congregation during the Offertory portion of the service by the Ushers. No one else will be touching the plates.

Consecrated wafers will be individually packaged in plastic bags. They will have been untouched by human hands for a minimum of 72 hours. Individuals be guided to the altar to receive a wafer packet from one of the clergy members and then consume it once they’ve returned to their seat.

Weather permitting, there will be a social gathering in the garden following the service.