Vestry Meeting Minutes

July 2021 Vestry Minutes

By August 5, 2021 November 12th, 2021 No Comments

St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church

Vestry Meeting Minutes

July 20, 2021

 Vestry Members Present

Joe DeuPree, Senior Warden

Michael Legacy, Junior Warden

Andrew Besterman

Kathy Carson

Murray Followill

Randy Hering

David Hess

Lisa Pearson

Ruth Woodward

Staff Present

Father Christopher Thomas, Rector

Allen Junek, Seminarian-in-Residence

Officers Present

Paul McCright, Clerk

Rusty Rippamonti, Chancellor


Fred Ellis, Endowment Fund Committee

Susan Arellano, Endowment Fund Committee


These minutes contain the following Vestry actions:

  • Motion to donate $3,000 from the Endowment Fund to support the Dallas Champions Academy.
  • Motion to nominate Allen Michael Junek, a member of this congregation, for ordination to the priesthood and to support him in this process.
  • Motion to increase the Church insurance coverage with Church Insurance Agency Corporation to the amount of $2,778,794.



 The Vestry meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the South Room by Fr. Christopher, who opened the meeting with a prayer.  The following agenda was covered during the meeting.


Each person had the opportunity to say anything that is on their mind. A range of topics was discussed, including: a welcome visit from family members and positive responses from co-workers concerning the pillow case ministry.  Prayer concerns were given for those who are ill or undergoing surgery and for people who are losing their jobs.

  1. FINANCIAL REPORTS           Treasurer

 < April, May, and June reports were considered.

< Our PPP loan was forgiven previously.

< Due to the difficult transition following the resignation of our long-term Treasurer earlier this year, we have hired an accounting firm to verify the previous 2021 reports to be sure everything is accurate up to the current time.

< We are negative in pledge income at this point in the year.

< There is a need to redirect the account where credit card payments are received from the Amegy Bank account to our new Bank of America account so the Amegy account can be closed.  Joe DeuPree will coordinate the resolution.

< Members noted there are weaknesses in the information the Vestry has regarding the funding of the Church at this time.

No vote was taken regarding the reports due to the inadequacies of the information available.  Everyone eagerly awaits the report from the accounting firm.


< An infant baptism is scheduled for Aug. 15 at the 10:30 service.  A reception given by the family will follow the service.

< Aug 22 Canon Carrie Headington will be leading the service.  She will share more about the Dallas Champions Academy.

< Sept. 12 we will resume our 8:00 and 10:30 service schedule.  We are considering including Formation at 9:00 a.m.  This could include a Vestry Town Hall format, different people leading formation topics, etc.  Bishop Sumner will be preaching on the 12th.

< The Rector would like to have a Wednesday mid-week service.

< As we move into a more traditional Church calendar with multiple services and meetings, the Rector would like the typical weekly Vestry duties be reviewed and reconsidered.

< Monthly lunches (AKA Connecting Brunch) will be back this fall.  A volunteer is coordinating the effort.

< Ministries need to be reinvigorated as people come back into the building and the parish.  The active ministries will help revitalize the congregation.

< The Stewardship Committee does not yet have a chair.  Joe DeuPree will work with 2 volunteers and use materials we have used in the past.


< Fred Ellis, Chair of the Church Endowment Fund Committee presented the report for the performance of the funds during Q2 of 2021.  At the end of June, we are up about $20K from the balance at the end of 2020.  The amount available for distribution is over $13K.  (In answer to a question, Fred explained our own restrictions on the Fund use allow using an amount based on the average size of the Fund over the past 20 quarters without approval by Parish membership.  This is an annual allotment and fluctuates in size depending on changes in the Fund balance.)

Fred gave a brief history of how the Endowment Fund was established and initial investment management was determined.  In the 15 years St. Thomas has had this Fund, no review of our investment strategy has ever been conducted.  The Committee undertook such a review in 2020, which was recently concluded.  Over the past several months the Committee has been reviewing investment management options to determine if a better option to our current management is available to us.  The Committee has received presentations from the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF, using State Street Bank), the Episcopal Foundation of Dallas (EFD), and Merrill Lynch. Fred shared with the Vestry a summary of the variations in the investment management particulars under each agency.

There have been discussions about moving money from certain permanent funds to add to this fund in order to improve their performance.  This can be done under any of the investment management agencies.  Each Fund would operate independently of the others, but the investment would be combined.

EFD has smaller funds like ours from churches and church-related organizations in our local area, is interested in us, has a significant grant program for Diocesan churches, is based locally, and has people from this Diocese on their board.  Based on the presentations and the Committee’s comparative analysis, the Committee voted unanimously on July 14, 2021 to recommend moving the funds from ECF to EFD and at that time to revise the investment strategy to adhere to a 60-40 split (60% growth- 40% income) that would be likely to improve the yield.

Although the Committee has authority to move the funds at its discretion, Fred asked for the support of the Vestry for the movement of the funds.  No objections were received and the members signified their approval of moving the funds to EFD.

< The Rector thanked the Committee for all the hard work needed to put all this into place.

< Noting that Endowment Funds have only been used once (in 2012 for a roof repair), Fred also shared an additional recommendation for using a portion of this year’s available monies. The Committee recommends the withdrawal of $3000 from the Endowment Fund to donate in support of the Dallas Champions Academy.

Motion to donate $3,000 from the Endowment Fund to support the Dallas Champions Academy.

Moved by Joe DeuPree

Seconded by David Hess

Motion carried by unanimous vote. 


As part of Allen Junek’s journey of discernment, the Committee was formed.  It is a Lay Committee including 3 members of St. Thomas (Joe DeuPree, Lisa Pearson, and Keith Carney) and 2 members from Transfiguration.  This Committee has met several times to help in Allen’s discernment process concerning a future ordination in Episcopalian ministry.

Joe read a letter addressed to the Rector affirming the Committee’s belief in and support of Allen’s call to full-time clergy work in the Episcopal Church.

The Vestry should determine if we wish to support Allen in the next steps of his listening process as he applies to the Diocese of Texas for approval to move forward into a process with the Commission on Ministries within the Diocese of Texas.  General agreement was immediate and strong from Vestry members.

Motion to nominate Allen Michael Junek, a member of this congregation, for ordination to the priesthood and to support him in this process.

Moved by David Hess

Seconded by Andrew Besterman

Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Vestry members and the Clerk signed the document of support to be submitted to the Diocese of Texas.


< In April 2020 at the time of renewal of our insurance, the Church was appraised for approximately $2.8M.  Our current policy is for just over $2M.  The recommendation is to upgrade the amount of our insurance coverage to the appraised value.

Motion to increase the Church insurance coverage with Church Insurance Agency Corporation to the amount of $2,778,794.

Moved by Lisa Pearson

Seconded by David Hess

Motion carried by unanimous vote.


< A new stove has been ordered and paid for but has not yet arrived.

< An upgraded electrical outlet is required to provide power for the stove.  The new outlet has been installed at a cost of $800.

< Repairs were made to the Sacristy.

< Several lights have been repaired in the facility.

< A leaking sprinkler valve has been replaced.

< Water was found in the North entryway after a heavy rain.  The source has not been determined although it is known water can come under the doors.

< A plan is being developed for new plantings later in the year

< Many of the drains on the property are full; plans are being made to have them cleaned for improved water flow.


< A group wants to use the North Room for crochet guilds from 11:30 to 3:00 two Saturdays per month.  This group used this room prior to the COVID shutdown and has a Church member coordinating it.  They have not paid for the room in the past.  They do make a lot of things for people in need.  This request was approved at the June meeting of the Vestry.

< We need a revised room use agreement that states the fees required and a way to gain an exception if needed.  Rusty and Joe will work on guidelines.  Joe invited others to join the revision group.  Kathy volunteered.

< Since it’s been more than a year since most of the Vestry has counted income, there was a discussion concerning the counting procedures and deposit slips received from the bank.  Joe will look into the gaining better access to the bank account online for the Controller so account information will be readily available to improve reporting.


< Acolytes – David Hess – functioning, but need a few more members; need a permanent liaison before the end of 2021

< Altar Guild – Murray Followill – functioning, but also need more members

< Community Garden – Randy Hering – Callie Works-Leary is looking into what needs to be done regarding the leases on the plots; we need to consider whether the Church wants to continue the Community Garden before new leases are signed.  A larger discussion ensued about whether the Church wishes to maintain it.  Several members felt it was not in the Church’s best interest to spend any funds to improve the security for the Garden.  Long-term planning needs to happen.

< Greeters/Ushers – Andrew Besterman – All fine; let’s be sure to capture the information from new visitors to facilitate follow-up

< Kitchen/Social – Randy Hering – All looking good

< LEMS – Lisa Pearson – Have not yet been included in the service; exterior LEMS have been active

< Readers – Ruth Woodward – Need to determine how many new readers are needed; Ruth will coordinate with Sandee Lowe.

< Mission/Outreach – Kathy Carson – Report was in the Doubter; moving forward on the projects

< Audit Committee – No report

< Stewardship Committee – Kathy and Michael volunteered


The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

The next meeting will be held on August 17 in person in the South Room.

Respectfully Submitted,

Paul McCright

Paul McCright, Clerk