Christopher Thomas Sermon for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year A – 2/9/2020 Isaiah 58:1-9a Psalm 112:1-9 1 Corinthians 2:1-12 Matthew 5:13-20 I found myself wondering, this week, as I wandered, through the Gospel, God’s great good news, which is my great honor and privilege to do, week in, and week out on your behalf. I found myself curious, as I so often do, about this notion of light. Now, I know, theologically speaking, because that’s what we clergy types do, right, we think and speak theologically, conversating with and about God, that God IS the source of light and life. It all comes from God; it all belongs to God, and it all goes back to God. I think we can agree that light, and everything that it illuminates, is God’s, not ours. We’re just small parts of the bigger picture. Now, that being said, my curious little…
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