“How to Practice Eucharist in These Turbulent Times” with Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle, Theologian-in-Residence. This 6-week class will dive into a deeper expression of the sacramental Anglican way of being and doing Church – Eucharist.
“How to Practice Eucharist in These Turbulent Times” with Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle, Theologian-in-Residence. This 6-week class will dive into a deeper expression of the sacramental Anglican way of being and doing Church – Eucharist.
Join us for our new Advent class, each Wednesday 6-7:15pm from Nov. 29 through Dec. 20. To register, email: leeswift@thedoubter.org
Please be advised that the remaining two sessions (March 22 & 29) of our Lenten series, “Life Transformed – The Way of Love in Lent,” have been cancelled. Several health-related issues have necessitated this decision of the formation committee. Life Transformed – The Way of Love in Lent A Lenten series based on Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s vision, “The Way of Love” Lenten Wednesdays, March 1 – March 29 6:00 – 7:30 pm Please join us for our annual Lenten formation pilgrimage, this year’s topic being “Life Transformed – The Way of Love in Lent.” The program focuses specifically on the liturgy of the Easter Vigil, and how our journey towards Easter in fact transforms our lives. We will gather in the Parish Hall for a light soup supper at 6 pm, and move to the South Room at 6:30 pm for engaging videos and discussion around this subject, the…
For the four Wednesday evenings of Advent, Nov. 30, Dec. 7, Dec. 14, and Dec. 21, we will learn about Christian Nationalism, and wrestle with the influence it exerts on faith, culture, and civil society on the current scene. Our format is an open seminar led by Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle, Theologian-in-Residence at St. Thomas the Apostle. When: 6:00 PM until 7:15 PM each Wednesday Where: The South Room of St. Thomas the Apostle, and Online via Zoom All participants are asked to watch PBS FRONTLINE “Michael Flynn’s Holy War” (53 mins. 18 secs. online) PRIOR TO the first session on Nov. 30. There will be short shared readings as announced for each of the Dec. sessions. These readings will be provided via email prior to each Dec. session.
If you have a desire to further your understanding of Anglican theology and the Episcopal tradition, please plan to join us for 5 consecutive Wednesdays from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm in the South Room, September 21-October 19. We will be utilizing the book, “Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices,” by Scott Gunn & Melody Wilson Shobe. This course will prepare those who would like to consider confirmation/reception/reaffirmation, but is open to everyone. Please e-mail Lee Swift, our Administrative Assistant, if you would like to participate so we will have materials for you!
Everyone is invited to join us for a lectionary study of the day’s assigned readings. It will take place each Sunday from 9:00 am-10:00 am in the Parish Hall, and be facilitated by Deacon Jennifer Smith and others. Coffee and refreshments will be provided, so stay after or come early and take part as we delve deeper into the scripture for the day!
Join us for our weekly Book Study, Wednesdays from 10:30 am to 11:45 am, in the South Room. We will look at a variety of topical literary works, facilitated by members of your Formation Committee. The first offering will be Henri J.M. Nouwen’s, “Reaching Out: The Three Movements of Spiritual Life.”
This Lenten Wednesday study series will take place on the five Wednesdays of Lent (March 9 through April 6), from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm in the South Room of the Church office building, and on Zoom. The Church Emergency Created by the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia Presented by Rev. Stephen V. Sprinkle, Ph.D. Theologian-in-Residence of the Episcopal Church of St. Thomas the Apostle and Professor of Practical Theology, Brite Divinity School There is a grave spiritual malaise underlying the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin. This act of naked aggression is fueled by the Russian fever-dream of empire and neo-colonialism cloaked beneath the sheep’s clothing of religion. What is taking place in Kyiv and throughout Ukraine constitutes a crisis for the whole Body of Christ, since Putin is cynically forging a religiously-fueled crusade for purity that distorts the gospel, pits Christian against Christian and is international in scope. I will…
Watch for the Light: Preparing to Welcome Christ into the World Each year, we begin the Christian calendar with the celebration of Advent as we recall and prepare again for the coming of Emmanuel, God with Us. Despite how similar and familiar the Advent and Christmas season feels, each year we approach it as different and changed people from the experiences gleaned from the year before. This year, we invite you to join our Spiritual Formation class as we read together the book of daily Advent and Christmas focused devotions, Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas (the book can be purchased at: www.amazon.com/WatchLight-Readings-Advent-Christmas/dp/087486917X/ref=sr_1_1? crid=2O4SE5AVJE185&dchild=1&keywords=watch+for+the+light+readings+for+advent+a nd+christmas&qid=1634657545&qsid=144-6564208-6229959&sprefix=Watch+for+the+Lig ht%2Caps%2C188&sr=8-1&sres=087486917X%2CB01JQEJ9QQ%2C178498289X%2C1 62698123X%2C0143133780%2C149641909X%2C0874869269%2C1973345544%2C142 6790171%2C0664234291%2C1647221579%2C0736980601%2C1433556693%2C06642 62279%2C1683594223%2C1683837983&srpt=ABIS_BOOK ). The class will start Wednesday, December 1 at 6pm in the South Classroom and via Zoom and continue each Wednesday through January 5 at 6pm for roughly an hour and fifteen minutes. The readings in the book…