
Upcoming Events

Ash Wednesday

By Upcoming Events

Our observance of the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday will take place on Wednesday, February 17 at 6 pm in the Zoom realm. The link will go out with our normal Thursday e-blast, and will be the same link we use for our Sunday worship service. There will be an opportunity during the liturgy for a “self-imposition” of ashes to mark the solemnity of the season. Ashes typically come from palm fronds that have been burned from the prior year(s). If you have your own, you may use those. For those who do not, we will have ashes available for pick-up from the table outside the office door from Friday, February 12 through Ash Wednesday.

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Evangelism 101

By Christian Formation, Upcoming Events

Everyone is invited to join us for a new Wednesday Workshop Series, Evangelism 101: Learning to tell our sacred stories. Talking about our faith can be difficult. Let’s explore it together each Wednesday from Jan 13-Feb 3 at 6 pm on Zoom. Series hosted by Seminarian Allen and NO READING REQUIRED! If you have questions, email The season of Epiphany, also called Epiphanytide (January 6-February 16) is the season in which we celebrate the manifestation of Christ to all the peoples of the earth. In the coming weeks we will hear again of the visitation of the Magi, Jesus’ baptism by John, the wedding at Cana, the calling of the first disciples, and the Transfiguration of our Lord. All of these stories are meant to show that the significance of the Christ Child isn’t limited to Palestine, but is much greater than we could have imagined! As you heard…

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Parish Annual Meeting | Jan 17

By News, Upcoming Events

Our Parish Annual Meeting will be held via ZOOM immediately following the Sunday ZOOM service on January 17, 2021. At the meeting the annual Parish budget for 2021, as adopted by the Vestry at its December 2020 meeting will be presented. Annual reports by the Rector, Senior Warden and Junior Warden, as required by the Diocesan Canons and Parish By-laws, will also be presented. Please make plans to attend. A Meeting to elect new Vestry members was held on October 18, 2020 with Lisa Pearson, Randy Hering, and Ruth Woodward elected for three year terms.

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Zoom Christmas Services

By Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars for special Zoom service to celebrate the Christmas season! Thursday, Dec. 24 at 7:30pm – Join us early for a special selection of music prior to the Christmas Eve Mass. Thursday, Dec. 24 at 8:00pm – Christmas Eve Mass. Friday, Dec. 25 at 10:00am – Christmas Day Mass. A unique zoom link will be sent out for each service. If you’d like to receive the Zoom link, please email Father Christopher.

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Cost of COVID-19 – It’s Impact on the Impoverished

By News, Upcoming Events

There is no single corner of our society that has been left untouched by the effects of COVID-19, Coronavirus. The impact is particularly significant on those who live below the poverty line. The Episcopal Diocese of Dallas (EDOD) and UNITE are hosting an on-line interactive event meant to raise our awareness of COVID’s effect on this particular group of our marginalized neighbors. Understand how COVID Impacts people in Poverty. In an interactive discussion on the elements of holistic human flourishing, our certified Facilitator shares expert explanations of the impact of COVID on people living in poverty.  Experience Their Stories.  In small discussion groups, participants experience real families’ and individuals’ stories and make complex decisions while navigating through pre-existing hardships compounded by the pandemic. Help Restore Lives. After engaging real-life stories, participants discuss how to make the most impact through new tools, existing programs, and EDOD resources. Details: Tuesday, November 17, 2020; 7 pm – 8:30 pm…

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Next in-person service will be Wed, Nov. 18

By News, Upcoming Events

On Wednesday, Nov. 18 at Noon we will offer our next in-person, indoor Eucharist following plans and precautions our Regathering Committee has studied and put into place. Service will be conducted in the Parish Hall, where all social-distancing and proper ventilation can be implemented. Please enter via the Parish Hall North Doors only. There will be a limit of 20 people. If you are going to attend this service, please email before Tues, Nov. 17 so that we can adequately prepare. Masks are required. The service will be a spoken (no singing) mass. There is to be no physical touching – hugs, handshakes, fist bumps, etc., during the Peace. The Peace may be exchanged verbally or with a head nod, for example. Please note, bathrooms will not be open during this time. The Sunday Zoom church offering remains our primary gathering of the community body, and we encourage everyone’s…

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Holding on to Hope

By News, Upcoming Events

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will lead a live-streamed prayer service from Washington National Cathedral, Holding on to Hope: A National Service for Healing and Wholeness, on All Saints Sunday, November 1, at 4:00-5:30 p.m. EST. In the midst of a pandemic, racial reckoning, and a historic election, the live-streamed service will gather Americans for prayer, song, lament, hope, and a call to love God and neighbor. The event will be simulcast in English and Spanish. In addition to Bishop Curry’s sermon, the service will include reflections from Father James Martin, a noted Roman Catholic commentator on American life and values, and Valarie Kaur, an inspiring Sikh author, filmmaker, and civil rights attorney. The gathering will be officiated by Washington’s Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, Cathedral Dean Randy Hollerith, and Reverend Stephanie Spellers, Canon to the Presiding Bishop. Prayers for the nation will come from leaders like Eboo Patel, founder and president…

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All Saints/All Souls Days

By Upcoming Events

If you would like for your loved ones to be honored in the Nov. 1 Doubter for All Saints/All Souls Days, please email the names to by Noon on Wednesday, October 28. If you would like to make a memorial donation, please note on the memo line of your check “All Saints” and mail to: St. Thomas Episcopal Church 6525 Inwood Rd. Dallas, TX 75209

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2020 Virtual LifeWalk | Oct 11

By Upcoming Events

Join the St. Thomas 2020 Virtual LifeWalk Team to Raise Money and Save Lives! The St Thomas Virtual LifeWalk 2020 team has raised over 25% of our $1,000 goal this year. Thanks so far to Jean Edwards, Rusty Rippamonti, and James Brown for their donations to date. To help St. Thomas reach our goal to assist folks struggling with HIV, join our parish team and donate at Your help and participation in LifeWalk is vital, and it’s needed now more than ever. Did you know: $25 provides a free HIV Test $40 provides a week of meals $100 provides one hour of Behavioral Health Care $250 provides a week of safe and clean housing Join our Doubter’s team in “walking virtually,” so individuals living with HIV can continue to access and maintain treatment during this critical time. The virtual walk is October 11, 2020 and will take place online. All…

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