

Same-Sex Marriage Celebration and Reception

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The historical impact of Sunday’s same-sex marriage celebration stretched far beyond the sacred walls of Saint Thomas. Positive words of encouragement poured in from Facebook posts and articles written up about Saint Thomas. In short, a whole lot of people were cheering us on Sunday beyond the people in the pews. Listen to Bishop Gene Robinson’s message via audio rebroadcast > Click the links to read articles: Dallas Voice – Same-sex marriage begins in 3 Dallas Episcopal churches Episcopal News – ‘Today feels like a miracle’ for same-sex couples in two Dallas parishes

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New Parish Leaders for 2019

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We’d like to introduce our new parish leaders, recently commissioned by Mother Joy during our recent annual meeting: Vestry Nancy LeGros (Senior Warden) Steven Lee (Junior Warden) Dianna Rooney Jean Edwards Charles Mullins Dale Lee Jack McCrosky Todd Frary Kenneth Goodwin Mike Gsell (Treasurer) Endowment Committee Members Joe DeuPree Jerry Knight Matt Rooney Denise Glass (Chancellor) Rusty Rippamonti (Assistant Chancellor) Delegates to Diocesan Convention Fred Ellis Jean Edwards A special “thank you for your service” goes to our outgoing leaders: Ginger Reeder (Sr. Warden) David Hess (Jr. Warden) Rett Evans A Letter from Our New Senior Warden What a joyous week it has been for St. Thomas! It is not often that we are privileged to witness a long-standing wrong being made right, but that is exactly what occurred at the Marriage Celebration this last Sunday. In the sanctuary, in front of the altar, we celebrated the sacramental grace of…

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Bishop Wayne Smith

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The vestry of Saint Thomas was honored and overjoyed to meet Bishop Wayne Smith, Saturday, January 12. Bishop Smith stated that his role as bishop is to provide for our parish’s pastoral and spiritual care. Bishop George Sumner will continue to oversee the business and financial affairs of Saint Thomas. We expect our first official Bishop’s visit to take place on May 26, Memorial Day weekend. In the meantime, here are a couple articles to help you get to know our new Bishop: Bishop Wayne’s Bio: Bishop Wayne Will Assist in the Diocese of Dallas:

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Same Sex Marriage Celebrations on January 20, 2019

By News, Upcoming Events

Over the past several years many couples at St Thomas have expressed their desire to get married here in their home parish but this has not been possible due to the policy our Diocese. Not knowing if this would change, many of you have been married in other places, sometimes even in other Episcopal churches outside of our Diocese. As you know by now, this situation was changed by the passing of B012 at General Convention 2018. In the week following that decision I made a statement at the July Vestry Meeting informing the Vestry of my intention to proceed with performing same sex marriages at St Thomas. Beginning Advent I of this year, this involves following the new guidelines provided by the Church. The Vestry voted unanimously to support my decision and I provided both my and the Vestry’s statement to Bishop Sumner on July 18, 2018. Realizing how…

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Connecting at St Thomas – Dec 2

By News, Upcoming Events

A ministry designed to deepen our relationships with each other, especially people who are new to St. Thomas. Join us for lunch at Cafe Express (5600 Lovers Lane just east of Inwood) the FIRST SUNDAY of every month. Our next event will be on Sunday, Dec. 2 at 11:30pm (after the 11:00 am coffee hour in the Parish Hall). We recognize that sometimes coffee and conversation after church just isn’t enough to develop more meaningful friendships. So how ‘bout lunch! Deeper connections will help newcomers answer these questions: Where do I fit in? Can I make friends in this church? Is there room for me relationally? Does this church need me? Can I find a place to belong and serve? Am I safe here? And who knows – it may help short-and long-term members answer these questions too! If you have any suggestions or would like to be a part…

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Episcopal Relief & Development holiday match

By News, Outreach

This year has taught us how much we can accomplish when we work together – whether it’s tackling malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia in children under five, empowering women to start small businesses or providing relief to areas impacted by natural disasters. You are an integral part of that work. And during our holiday match, your support will go even further. Please take advantage of this special opportunity today. Together, our light will shine twice as bright on individuals, families and communities all over the world. Donate Today > Yours faithfully, Robert W. Radtke President & CEO Episcopal Relief & Development P.S. Thank you in advance for supporting Episcopal Relief & Development during our holiday match – when every dollar you give will be doubled up to $700K! Through the power of community, faith and thoughtful giving, we can bring significant change to families worldwide.

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Stewardship Ingathering – Nov 11

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Our Annual Stewardship Ingathering will be on Sunday, November 11 at both services. It is that sacred time when we bring our pledge cards to the altar as a symbol of giving back to God from what God has generously given to us. If you have already turned in your pledge card, great! At the time of the procession bring a blank card to the altar as a symbol of your commitment. After the 10am service on that same day, we will host the recipients of our 2018 Outreach Grants. This year your Outreach Committee distributed funds to Promise House and to Legacy Counseling Center. Come and hear about how your generosity is transforming our community.

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Team Harvie

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Harvie and I have spent the better part of 2 years in training, preparing to be a Therapy Dog Team. We are so excited to announce that WE MADE IT! My friend and trainer Susan Geib is also certified as a handler. We will be working together as “Team Harvie.” We are very excited to be volunteering at Vogel Alcove, a school for homeless children, where we can play and entertain the children and staff. Another volunteer opportunity that fits us is, Our Friends Place, an Alzheimer’s daycare in Richardson. In this environment the clients sit in a circle in one big room. We go person to person for hugs and petting then we get in the middle of the circle and perform tricks. We love this new and rewarding ministry, and we look forward to years of being a Therapy Dog Team. – Lisa Cain and Harvie

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Remembering Matthew Shepard – Oct 26

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Last week I had the opportunity to read a poem published by my cousin Ryan’s husband, Richie Hofman. Richie is an accomplished poet and I share this poem with his permission: Book of Statues Because I am a boy, the untouchability of beauty is my subject already, the book statues open in my lap, the middle of October, leaves foiling the wet ground in soft copper. “A statue must be beautiful from all sides,” Cellini wrote in 1558. When I close the book, the bodies touch. In the west, they are tying a boy to a fence and leaving him to die, his face unrecognizable behind a mask of blood. His body, icon of loss, growing meaningful against his will. As you may have surmised, the poem is about Matthew Shepard who died on October 12, 1998 after being beaten, murdered for who he was, a gay man. One of…

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Change to church services – Oct 14

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This Sunday, October 14, there will only be the 10 am service (no 8 am service). Please plan to attend the Ministry Fair and vote in our annual Parish Elections. Ballots will be available in the Narthex. View list of nominated candidates > A catered lunch will also be provided, and ‘Vivacious’, a group within the Women’s Chorus of Dallas, will perform for us. Rain or shine it will be a great day and we look forward to seeing you all as we kick off a new year in ministry together! Eucharist Location: Inside the Church Time: 10:00 am (one service only) Parish Elections Location: North Room Times: 9:00-9:45 am and 11:15-12:00 pm Ministry Fair Location: Tables set up in covered areas by North Entrance and outside Parish Hall Times: 9:00 am-12:30 pm Lunch and Concert by Women’s Chorus of Dallas Location: Parish Hall Time: 11:15 am-12:30 pm

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