

Gateway of Grace

By Outreach

A letter from Samira Izadi, Executive Director Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am sure you have been following the news on the refugee situation in Europe. Today, we were informed that United States will be receiving 10000 Syrian refugees starting October 1. Texas is the largest hub for refugees in the nations. While we can agree or disagree with the decision, as Christians who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit, we have the unique calling and power to bring the redemptive presence of Christ into this situation. No other religious group has this calling and power. Gateway of Grace is currently serving five refugee families from Syria and a total of 1600 refugees per year. It is the largest refugee ministry in north Texas serving refugees from nine different countries and six different religious backgrounds. We have seen transformation of lives by meeting the practical, emotional and spiritual needs of…

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Crossroads Community Services and St. Thomas the Apostle

By Outreach

Together We Can Feed Our Hungry Neighbors By Mtr. Virginia Holleman The Vestry of St. Thomas has approved our entering into a partnership with Crossroads Community Services to provide nutritious shelf-stable, refrigerated and fresh foods to our neighbors who are food-insecure.  Food-insecure means these are families who do not have reliable access to enough affordable and nutritious food for the month.  Generally speaking, these families have enough financial resources to make it through three weeks each month, but the last week finds them at the bottom of the basket so to speak, having to “make do” with cheap, filling though often marginally nutritious food. St. Thomas will become a Community Distribution Partner with Crossroads.  There are a lot of hungry people in our neighborhood but we’re going to start small. Fr. Ray Ball will meet with the counselor at K. B. Polk Elementary School to select five families.  Once we…

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The Gathering

By News, Outreach

The Gathering is a Community of Faith of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. It was begun in December of 2012. There has been a need for a spiritual gathering place in Dallas, where the housed and unhoused can come together on Sunday to seek healing and spiritual fulfillment as well as community. St. Thomas is one of many Episcopal churches enlisted to provide the meals throughout the year. November 16 was St. Thomas’ final turn, for this year, to provide lunches at The Gathering. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to offer love and a meal to those that most people simply do not see. It is quite moving to be with the homeless attendees, as they come together to worship and ask for prayers for their friends and family. The Eucharist service begins at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoons at Thanksgiving Square, and lasts for about 45 minutes….

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Community Partners Toy Drive

By News, Outreach

On November 23 an “Angel Tree” will be put between the Narthex and Parish Hall. Please take some time and select a child’s Christmas wish you can make come true this year! We ask that you bring the items back to the Parish Hall by December 7, unwrapped in a bag with the tag on the outside easy to read. All items will be delivered to the Daughters of the King on December 11.

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