Christopher Thomas Sermon for Easter Sunday, Year 4 – 4/4/21 Isaiah 25:6-9 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Acts 10:34-43 John 20:1-18 “Mary!” The day, like so many others, began in such sweet, deep, bitter, sad sorrow. So many of them do. The days, I mean. So disconnected. So anxious. So full of longing. To see, to smell, to touch, to hear, to taste, ah, to know. To know my beloved. My beloved spirated, saying unto me, “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away with me!” Oh, to hear that bidding, but one more time. But, who knew? Really, seriously, who knew? She did not know. She could not see, him, Love, through her tears, her sorrow, her weeping, that love stood there, right in front of her, as plain as the very nose on her face! “Mary!” I can imagine, can’t you, that it was electric, that moment…
Christopher Thomas Sermon for Maundy Thursday – 4/1/2021 Exodus 12: 1-4, 11-14 Psalm 116: 1, 10-17 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 John 13: 1-17, 31-35 “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” The Sacrament of Discomfort Tomorrow will be your last day on earth, your final moments of human existence, and your exit is going to be messy and painful, fraught with deception and betrayal. How do you choose to spend your last evening? The Very Rev. Mike Kinman, former Dean of Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis calls it the “Sacrament of Discomfort.” Several years ago, I found myself in one of his workshops at which he discussed this phenomenon. The subject was race and reconciliation, and…
Stephen Waller THE SUNDAY OF THE PASSION: PALM SUNDAY Isaiah 50: 4 – 9a Psalm 31: 9 – 16 Philippians 2: 5 – 11 Mark 14:1 – 15:47 Hosanna. Save us, Jesus. Hosanna. Save us. Save us. Save us. What do you think Jesus was thinking as he heard the shouts of Save us upon his entry into Jerusalem? Hosanna, Save us! Hosanna, Save us! Jesus knew what the week would bring. He knew the shouts of Hosanna would fade as the week progressed. He knew that those he loved who followed him would abandon him, leaving him alone before the Romans. I believe that even with the shouts of Save us, Hosanna, Jesus entered Jerusalem deeply saddened because He did know…not only what was ahead for him as the week progressed, but saddened to come to terms with the reality that his beloved followers would, in His final…
Christopher Thomas Sermon for the Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year B – 3/21/21 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 119:9-16 Hebrews 5:5-10 John 12:20-33 Set me as a seal upon your heart as a seal upon your arm. For love is strong as death! Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it. Set me as a seal upon your heart as a seal upon your arm. For love is strong as death! Song of Songs 8:6a, 8:7a Song of Songs (Song of Solomon) has got to be my favorite book of the bible. (Ok, they’re all good, for different reasons, but for today’s purposes, it’s Song of Songs, the story of passionate love, frightening love, the kind of love that reaches in to your chest cavity and grabs your heart, massages it around, refusing to let go. That kind of love is deeper, and wider, and stronger,…
Christopher Thomas Sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year B – 3/14/21 Numbers 21:4-9 Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21 Rejoice ye with Jerusalem; and be ye glad for her, all ye that delight in her: exult and sing for joy with her, all ye that in sadness mourn for her; that ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations. Psalm: I was glad when they said unto me, We will go into the house of the Lord. Happy Laetare Sunday! Rejoice, and be glad! This Sunday set aside to rest, refresh, regroup, “mother,” in the midst, in the middle, to be exact, of our Lenten journey, the time between “ashes-to-ashes, dust-to-dust,” and “Christ is risen, the Lord is risen, indeed!” Hit the pause button on our inward search for the intersections of self, and God, where we fit into the great “Creator/creation” schema of things, our…
Allen Junek The Third Sunday in Lent Year B: Lent III The Episcopal Church of St. Thomas the Apostle Exodus 20: 1 – 7 Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 1: 18 – 25 John 2:13 – 22 In the name of the one, holy and undivided Trinity + Amen. How foolish this Jesus, our Jesus, is. Today we read about one of the most important accounts of Jesus’ life: the “cleansing” of the Temple. So important, in fact, that it’s one of the few of stories each Gospel writer includes. Though they each remember it differently, it would seem that the Early Church wanted this story to be told. This event was to be remembered. Sts. Matthew, Mark, and Luke remember it near the end of his life. They place it as one of the main reasons that Jesus is arrested and put to death. In fact, Matthew and Mark tell…
Stephen Waller Sermon for the Second Sunday of Lent Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Psalm 22:22-30 Romans 4:13_25 Mark 8: 32-38 “He called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’” I possess no less than 50 crosses at last count. Most of them are on my bedroom wall. Some hang in windows. A couple stand on my mantel and my bathtub counter. One hangs over the kneeler which my Dad made for me when I was ordained….it is a cross which I have owned since I was a teen. One, I bought while on sabbatical in Iona…a cross made from what appears to be slate carved in a Celtic motif. Some of you have given me one or more of these crosses. Members of St. Alban’s Monroe, Louisiana gave me several. …
Christopher Thomas Sermon for the First Sunday of Lent, Year B – 2/21/21 Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm 25:1-9 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 “In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness God called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the very first day.” – Genesis 1:1-5 You know how this story goes. You’ve heard it, we just read this passage, a few weeks ago, back on the first Sunday after Epiphany. I’d be willing to make wager that, like the 23rd Psalm, you can…
Christopher Thomas Sermon for the Last Sunday after the Epiphany, Year B – 2/14/21 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalm 50:1-6 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 “Trans-“ “Trans-“ From the Latin: Across, over, beyond. Implications of a journey. A trip. A path. A course. To destinations, as of yet, previously unseen, unheard, unknown. At the very least, to me… Trans-formation Trans-substantiation Trans-literation Trans-plantation Trans-gender-ation (I just made that up to see if you were paying attention.) Trans…journies…trips…paths…courses…curiosities Today’s journey is the mountaintop experience that Jesus takes Peter, and James, and John (and you and I) upon, as we trek up Mount Tabor once again. But why? Why this Epiphany, this theophany, why now? We know, don’t we, that God is among us, Immanuel. The star landed over Bethlehem, pointing the way. He’s right over there, multiplying fish, feeding masses, curing and healing the sick, giving sight to blind folks, why even…
The Rev’d Virginia Holleman The Collect for the Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany Year B, Epiphany 5 St. Thomas the Apostle February 7, 2021 Isaiah 40: 21 – 31 Psalm 147: 1 – 12, 21c 1 Corinthians 9: 16 – 23 Mark 1: 29 – 39 In the Name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. AMEN. From our Collect for this morning: “Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made know to us in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ . . .” Suicide is a double tragedy. Not only is the person who takes his or her life consumed by their own sense of worthlessness, hopelessness and sinfulness, but the friends and loved ones left behind are consumed by what I call the “if-only’s” – if only I had realized how…