In the wake of two more mass shootings in fewer than 24 hours — El Paso and Dayton, this time — we call on Christians everywhere to be known by our love and to be the instruments of peace in a violent society. Giver of Life and Love, you created all people as one family and called us to live together in peace. Surround us with your love as we face again the tragedy of gun violence. For the children and adults who were killed in El Paso and Dayton, the many who were wounded and hospitalized, the traumatized, grieving survivors, and those known to you alone, Loving God Make us instruments of your peace. God of Righteousness, you have granted our leaders, especially Donald, our President, and Gregg, our Governor, the members of Congress and of our courts and legislatures, power and responsibility to protect us, and to uphold…
Thanks to everyone who contributed and participated in our annual Flaming Dish Dessert Auction. We raised $1150 which will go to support Ewing House tenants impacted by recent rent increases.
Join us for our annual St. Thomas Flaming Dish Potluck Lunch and Dessert Auction! An event and cause just too “HOT” to miss! When: Sunday, June 9, 2019 following the 10:00 am service Where: Parish Hall What: Potluck and Dessert Auction* How: Sign up in the Narthex for a dish and/or dessert to auction *Desserts will be auctioned with proceeds to support Ewing House tenants related to their rent increases.
Due to the generous contributions during the Christmas and Christmas Eve services, the parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle donated $864 worth of food to the North Park Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and the Hallelujah House Outreach Ministry Center. Food items included Spam, sardines, tuna, green beans, corn, Cup a Soup, cereal and peanut butter crackers. Harvey and everyone involved thank you all for your generosity and for helping the homeless individuals and families in the area. Looking for more outreach opportunities? Daughters of the King are collecting unused toiletries to support the Hallelujah House Outreach Ministry Center. When you travel this summer, save any unused travel sized items such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc. and drop off at our collection box in the Parish Hall.
“In the moments of despair, in the moments of the worst darkness, God had done something incredible,” Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael B. Curry said in his Easter 2019 Message. “God had raised Jesus from the dead.” The Festive day of Easter is Sunday, April 21. Where and How to Watch The congregations of St. Paul’s/San Pablo Episcopal Church in Kansas City, Kan., and St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Mission, Kan., welcome all to join them for their Holy Week services. Beginning on April 18, watch at (live stream or on demand) or from The Episcopal Church Facebook Page. Air dates and times are below: April 18 – Maundy Thursday: Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing 8:00pm EDT | 7:00pm CDT | 6:00pm MDT | 5:00pm PDT April 19 – Good Friday: Live Stations of the Cross 7:00pm EDT | 6:00pm CDT | 5:00pm MDT |…
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am writing to you as we look ahead to Holy Week, with its focus on our Lord’s sacrificial offering of love on the cross. The Good Friday Offering of our Church is one way to help connect the love of Christ on the cross with our support of the ongoing ministry of love and compassion carried out by our Anglican sisters and brothers throughout the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Whether funding a hospital in Gaza or the West Bank, or an eye clinic in Aden, or women’s programs, or summer camps and leadership training for young people, the Good Friday Offering is making a difference in the lives of so many. I have witnessed this Jesus-inspired compassion and commitment at work with my own eyes. I believe our partnership…
The Angels Ministry is a ministry of Saint Thomas created to provide short-term support to parishioners recuperating at home or in need of temporary help due to health issues in performing normal tasks. Services provided by volunteers include: Meals – one per day for a finite period of time Transportation to appointments -maximum of four hours Sitting with parishioner to talk, read to them, watch a movie, etc. Short-term (1 to 4 hours) respite care for primary caregiver Assist with grocery shopping (either with them or for them) Visit during hospital or rehab stays If you are interested in volunteering or requesting this type of assistance, please contact the church office.
We’ve got plots near our lots! There are several plots available in our community garden. Got a green thumb? Contact the church office at 214-352-0410 or email for details.
Beyond the Pew Our next event will be our Annual Chili Cookoff. It will take place on February 16. Stay tuned for further details. The Gathering Join us in helping bring Christ’s love by serving food to Dallas’s homeless community. If interested, we will meet at the Parish Hall around noon. The service is at Thanks-Giving Square at 1 pm on Sunday, April 7 and again on Sunday, June 16.
On Sunday, January 6, a dedicated few from Saint Thomas helped with our friends from The Gathering, a street ministry to, with and for Dallas’s local homeless community. Come join us in our efforts to be a “church without walls” at Thanks-Giving Square on April 7 and June 16.